Veteran’s Corner
VAC Definition of a Veteran – When people think of Veterans, many immediately picture someone who served in the First World War, Second World War or the Korean War. While many Canadians recognize these traditional Veterans, the same may not always be true for Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Veterans – those who served Canada since the Korean War. In fact, some former CAF members don’t even see themselves as Veterans. Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) wants to change this and is working to ensure CAF Veterans receive the honour and recognition they have earned and so richly deserve. VAC considers any former member of the Canadian Armed Forces who releases with an honourable discharge and who successfully underwent basic training to be a Veteran. This Veteran status recognizes the risk CAF members assume by wearing the uniform and pledging allegiance. Canada’s modern-day Veterans are carrying on the traditions, values, and legacy of wartime Veterans, and all Canadians, especially our youth, should be aware of their accomplishments and sacrifices.
Please note that other criteria, in addition to Veteran status, are needed to qualify for services from the Department.
Nationally Relevant
Canadian Forces Member Assistance Program
Operational Stress Injury Social Support (OSISS) programme
VETS Canada (Veteran’s Emergency Transition Services)
Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) – (Detailed services explanation with contact info)
(Phone 1-866-522-2122 (toll-free) Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 4:30, local time)
VAC Programme and Services Publications (Comprehensive explanations)
VAC and Last Post Fund Burial Assistance Programmes
Government of Canada – Programs and Services for Seniors
CAF Military Pension (For any CAF pension issues or questions) (Phone 1‑800‑267‑0325)
Royal Canadian Legion Service Officer Handbook (A useful explanations, definitions, and a compendium of pertinent info)
Office of the Veteran’s Ombudsman (should you feel the system is failing you)
(Phone toll free 1-877-330-4343)
National Association of Federal Retirees (a worthwhile advocacy and info group)
Canadian Military and Veteran discount list (Free) –
Provincial Guides: Retirement and Senior Care in Canada (Commercial)
Regional Authorities and Guides – West to East to North
BC – Regional Health Authorities
BC Seniors’ Guide – 12th Edition
BC Senior Living Association (BCSLA) (highly respected organization that can help explain housing options)
The Victoria Capital Region Seniors’ Services Directory (A useful guide to local services)
Alberta Senior Communities and Housing Association
Alberta Seniors Information Guide
Saskatchewan – Health Care Authority and Regions
Saskatchewan Seniors Association Incorporated
Saskatchewan Programs and Services of Interest to Seniors (Open the Download)
Manitoba – Health, Seniors and Active Living
Long Term & Continuing Care Association of Manitoba
Ontario – Health and Long-Term Care
Soldier’s Aid Commission Act, 2020 and accompanying regulations January 1, 2021. Program modified- eligibility expanded to include all eligible Ontario Veterans and their eligible family members regardless of where and when the Veteran served.
Ontario Retirement Communities Association
A Guide to programs and services for seniors in Ontario
Quebec Programs and Services for Seniors
New Brunswick – Regional Health Authorities
New Brunswick Senior Citizens Federation
Nova Scotia – Health Authority
Nova Scotia Positive Aging 2024-2025 Directory
Newfoundland and Labrador – Health and Community Services
Northwest Territories – Seniors’ Information Handbook
Nunavut – Health Facilities Map
OPI: Rod Hughes