NAC Committees
To assist in the conduct of business and achievement of objectives, NAC operates with the following standing committees. Their roles and general terms of reference can be found in the NAC’s Administration Manual:
Naval Affairs Committee: Chair – Tim Addison. Members – From both within and outside of the Association. Now includes the former Outreach committee. The NA committee is the heart of the National Association, delivering support to our Navy.
NAC Endowment Fund Committee: Chair – Jean-Yves Forcier. Members – Diana Dewar, Gary Hatton, Wes Golden, Bryn Weadon. Terms defined in the Administration Manual.
Governance Committee – Chair – Bruce Belliveau. Members – representatives from different geographic regions (recruited by the Chair).
Nominating Committee: Chair – Gerry Powell. Members – representatives from different geographic regions (recruited by the Chair)
Finance and Investment Committee: Chair – Dave Colbourne. Members – the NAC Endowment Fund Treasurer as well as Branch Treasurers.
Membership: Chair – Bob Boutilier. Members – include Branch Membership Directors/Representatives plus other interested members.
National Awards Selection Committee: Chair – Gerry Powell – Members – representatives from different geographic regions (recruited by the Chair). The Awards Committee reviews/approves nominations for awards put forward annually.
Council of Presidents: Chair – National President Bruce Belliveau. Members – Branch Presidents.
Ad Hoc Committees: From time-to-time ad hoc committees may be formed to address specific issues.