What's New in Naval Affairs
- December 2024: An Alternative Crewing Model, Mark McShane
- August 2024: Summer Starshell
- May 22. In Extremis: Rebalancing the CAF and Rebuilding the RCN
- 7 May. Spring Starshell
- 15 Jan. Inverview with CRCN
- 26 Nov. Winter Starshell
- 9 Oct: NIOBE Paper 19 China’s Submarine Force
- 2 July: Starshell (Spring 2023)
- 13 Dec. Arctic Maritime Security Conference Report
NAC Research Papers
This collection of papers, documents, and presentations has been prepared by NAC members and others as background information to educate Canadians on the importance of the Navy.
Briefing Notes
Naval Association Briefing Notes explain key Canadian fundamental strategic maritime and naval issues. They establish a foundation of knowledge needed to discuss maritime and naval issues in Canada.
These Naval Association bibliographies provide a starting base for researchers on naval and maritime issues.
Guiding Documents
These documents provide the RCN with its strategic and operational level guidance and direction.