Vancouver Island

Vancouver Island

Aims and Objectives of NAC-VI and NAC National 

 Built on a base of retired and serving naval personnel of all ranks, NAC-Vi welcomes as members all those interested in working to ensure Canada has the Navy it needs.

  •  To support the Aims and Objectives of NAC National – Our Navy, its Maritime Heritage and Camaraderie, and we look to the Past, Present, and the Future.
  • Looking to the Past NAC-VI supports the Maritime Museum of BC and CFB Esquimalt Naval & Military Museum, HMCS Sackville and the Maritime Museums and Trusts of Canada, we support Broadmead Lodge Care for Veterans.
  • Looking to the Present, we support the Royal Canadian Navy and help educate the public on the importance of the Navy to Canada and the world. We encourage serving and retired naval personnel and those with an interest in naval and maritime matters, to join us.
  • Looking to the Future, we support and encourage the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets through contributions which enhance their training and encourage young people to develop leadership skills.
  • Our activities all take place in a spirit of camaraderie: social events such as monthly luncheons with engaging and informative speakers and an annual Christmas luncheon are quite popular. Our members also attend the NAC Annual Conference and AGM held in cities across the country.



VISION – NAC-VI is an association with a special interest in our navy and Canadian maritime security whose aim is to raise public awareness of our navy’s role in protecting our maritime interests and recognizing its essential contribution to the safety and prosperity of the nation.

MISSION – To inform and educate local audiences about Canada’s place in a maritime world and to explain the application of sea power in the national interest.

PURPOSE – To create an environment where NAC-VI Members and associates can work towards achieving the Vision and Mission of NAC-VI while enjoying fellowship and mutually enjoyable activities

NOAV and NOAVI – A History to 2001

This is a link to the history of the Naval Association of Victoria (NOAV) and the Naval Association of Vancouver Island (NOAVI), a history that extends back to 1948. Dated 1 October 2002 and compiled and authored by Larry Dzioba NOAVI historian, this story includes the compilation of annual branch reports and other interesting historical notes from 1948 to 2001.