NAC-VI 2020 Events Timeline
Winter 2020
January | February | March |
8 – Exec Mtg | 5 – Exec mtg | 2 – Nav Trainer Tour |
18 – Mbr Cmttee Mtg | 27 – Lewis Manning BC shipping | 4 – Exec Mtg |
23 – lunch VAdm Lloyd | 26 – COM MARPAC |
Note: Items in red cancelled/postponed due to Covid-19 restrictions
Spring 2020
April | May | June |
1 – Exec Mtg | 2 – BoA Mess Dinner | TBD AGM/Spkr |
TBD Spkr | 3 – BoA | TBD Tour 443 Weepers |
TBD MARPAC weepers | 8 – VE /BoA 75th |
Note: Items in red cancelled/postponed due to Covid-19 restrictions
Summer 2020
July | August | September |
TBD – Hampton Gray | TBD Spkr | |
20 – Sub event |
Fall / Winter 2020
October | November | December |
TBD Spkr | TBD Spkr | TBD Xmas lunch |
21 – Niobe Day | 11 Nov Rem Day |
Vision, Purpose, and Mission Statements
As adopted by the NACVI Board at its meeting on Wednesday, 9 OCT 19.
Vision – Who “we are”, the “End State” we aspire to.
All VI Residents Recognise the RCN’s role in protecting its shores, and consequently they value its essential contribution to the prosperity of the nation.
Mission – What “we do”
To inform and educate NAC-VI local audiences about Canada in a maritime world and to explain the application of sea power in the national interest.
Purpose – The value we want to BRING to our community
To create an environment where NAC-VI Members and Allies can work towards achieving the Vision and Mission of NAC-VI while enjoying fellowship and mutually enjoyable activities.