

The Naval Association of Canada (NAC) is a national organization.  Its members reside across Canada and abroad, and share an interest in our Navy and the maritime security issues that impact the safety and security of our nation.  While all are NAC members of the National organization, its membership services are also administered through Branches located in cities across Canada.  In addition to advancing the national goals and values of the Association, the Branches provide for NAC awareness and outreach programs in their local communities, share locally focused events and news, and provide opportunities to meet with others who share our interests and further recruitment initiatives.

Nationally, NAC membership management has been modernized and is now kept on a shared registry managed centrally online using a sperate service at  It is available on all personal devices for enhanced member access and mobility.  In addition to general membership information to all, members are provided access to their own personal account and can edit their personal private profile, tailor individual preferences for privacy and information sharing, and register for events whether locally in person or online across the nation.

To facilitate this evolution, NAC harmonized its membership categories and centralized its membership management procedures.  Those common categories and approved exemptions are managed – integrating them with member directories, listed events and communications products – at  Administrative access to the online service is also provided to the branches to manage their local membership element, with support from the National Coordinator as required to keep it current.  The site and its links are kept up-to-date as that initiative progresses.

At the same time, additional local information, including local membership management options, can also be administered through some of the local Branches.  Links to them, where available, can be found at

We strongly encourage all with an interest in our Maritime history and security to join.  For more information on the NAC, please contact the national coordinator.