NAC Endowment Fund

NAC Endowment Fund

The Naval Association of Canada is dedicated to increasing the awareness of Canada as a maritime nation and the critical role that our Navy plays in the protection and development of our maritime interests.  This objective requires not only the dedication of our membership, but also funds to sustain this effort over the years.  To ensure that sufficient funds are available to support the many tasks that this mission calls for an Endowment Fund has been established.

The Declaration of Trust of the Endowment Fund in summary, states that the object of the Fund is to:

(a) to receive moneys and property donated to The Naval Association of Canada allocated by the donor to the Endowment Fund, and to receive other moneys and property allocated to it by The Naval Association of Canada, and to hold and invest such moneys and to expend the same in furtherance of the objects of The Naval Association of Canada;

(b) to promote and maintain interest in Maritime affairs generally, and particularly in the Maritime affairs of Canada, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing:

(i) to sponsor either alone or in conjunction with others the conduct, preparation, publication and promotion of research in to matters of Maritime interest;

(ii) to provide scholarships, awards, bursaries and prizes to Canadians pursuing studies of benefit to the national security of Canada, Maritime affairs or the operation of Canadian vessels in Canadian waters or upon the high seas;

(iii) to support the publication by The Naval Association of Canada of periodicals dealing with Naval, Maritime or historical interest;

(c) to co-operate with other organizations having objects similar to the objects of the Endowment Fund.

The Board of Directors of the NAC has endorsed the following Statement of Purpose:

Statement Of Purpose

The income from the NAC Endowment Fund will be used to:

Remember The Past. Support to the Canadian Naval Memorial Trust (Sackville), HMCS Haida, Naval and Military Museums, naval history projects, and naval monuments and other projects in keeping with the intention of remembering our Naval legacy

Support Today’s Navy.  Promoting an awareness of and interest in the requirement for Canada’s Naval Forces today through education such as supporting publication of NAC periodicals and other research material of an educational nature.

Build The Future. Investing in our youth through the Navy League and Sea Cadets.


NAC Endowment Fund Annual Report  – 2023