naval affairs

NAC News – Edition 601 (Niagara)

NAC News – Edition 601 (Niagara)

Your weekly national and international naval news for the week of January 24th, 2025

Edition: 601 HMCS Niagara   Quotes: “The PRC’s expanding Arctic engagement has created new opportunities for engagement between the PRC and Russia and has resulted in unprecedented styles of collaboration,” the DoD concludes.  China continues to expand its ice-capable vessels and support ships and has made rapid progress in designing and constructing icebreakers.  Its original icebreaker, Ukrainian-built Xue Long 1, has been supplemented with a host of new polar vessels.  In 2019 Xue Long 2 became the first domestically built polar icebreaker.  In the five years since, the country has launched or placed into service two additional icebreaking ships and converted a commercial one.  Ji Di, a 5,600 tonne Polar Class 6 research vessel, operated by the Ministry of Natural Resources entered into service in August 2024.  A second much larger Polar Class 4 research icebreaker, Tan Suo San Hao, followed in December 2024.  The similarly- named Zhong Shan Da Xue Ji Di, a former commercial icebreaker, was also converted for government use.  The summer of 2024 saw three Chinese icebreaking vessels operate in the Arctic simultaneously for the first time, while U.S. presence was hampered by the lack of available Coast Guard icebreakers.”  U.S. Department of Defense Sounds Alarm Bells About China’s Growing Presence in Arctic, Malte Humpert, gCaptain, 2 January 2025

Rod Hughes: Editor NAC News  (Comments welcome to help improve this service.)  Links to keep in touch with the NAC and RCN can be found at the bottom of this email.  Contact Kevin Goheen if you wish someone to be added to the NAC News email distribution. (Influencer, or good candidates to become an NAC member – note, the first year’s NAC/Branch membership dues are waived)


29 January 2025  1-3 PM Halifax time RUSI-NS extends an invitation to members of the NAC to a presentation by Robert Taylor, Principal Engineer Shipyard Solutions, Bardex Corporation, on drydocks and vertical shiplifts.  The presentation will be conducted simultaneously in-person and online (via Zoom).  The in-person part will be at the Royal Artillery Park Officers’ Mess, CFB Halifax.  Registration is required, so email RUSI Nova Scotia with a subject line: RUSI(NS) Distinguished Speaker 29 January 2025 Registration.  Please indicate whether you plan to attend in-person or online.  Also indicate your unit, association, or company.  Zoom instructions will be emailed to registrants by Monday, 27 January.

25 February 2025 ShipTech Forum 2025  Super Early Bird registration is open! The National Arts Centre, Ottawa ON.  Not able to attend in person – all speaker sessions will be live streamed.

NEW 5-6 March 2025  CDAI: Ottawa Conference on Security and Defence  Celebrating its 93rd edition in 2025, the Conference at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier Hotel stands as Canada’s premier defence and security assembly.  The conference centers its discussions around a wide spectrum of security and defence matters, orchestrating a sequence of impactful keynotes, presentations, and dialogues led by distinguished experts in the fields of security and defence from Canada and across the globe.  Impressive speakers! 

NEW 15–18 May 2025  CNMT has graciously extended the invitation to all NAC members who may not be CNMT trustees to join them for the 80th Anniversary of VE Day & Battle of the Atlantic Commemoration at Londonderry.  There are events and activities planned for each day.  If you plan to attend, please reach out to Gary Reddy at  He will point you in the right direction for further details.  The City Hotel Derry is offering special rates for attendees: Double/Twin B&B: £159 per night or Single B&B: £149 per night.  To book your room, please call the hotel.



Gen. Christopher Cavoli: Russia will pose a long-term threat (Editor – Supreme Allied Commander Europe’s blunt assessment of Russian intent in a 45 sec video)

Yemen’s Houthi Rebels Agree to Lift Red Sea Blockade

Trump asserts — again — that the U.S. doesn’t need Canadian resources (Editor – CBCNN 6:46 news video.  Stunning “assertions” made by Voldemort…frankly, I’m not sure what to think of this…I suspect I’m not alone)



Repeat: Editor – Occasionally members have not been receiving NAC News.  After checking in WildApricot it seems it is often because a member’s email address is no longer valid or some other sort of technical glitch.  A bit of catch-22, but if you are not receiving NAC News on a weekly basis, or any other emails about NAC events please tell your branch membership coordinator, or me if it’s about NAC news issue, and we’ll have a look to make sure it’s not a problem at our end!

Editor – NAC Membership and renewal campaigns are underway across the Branches. Membership runs from 1 January to 31 December 2025. Renewal via WA if you wish.

Editor – Endowment Fund Grant requests processed via the branches are due to NAC ED by 31 May 2025.  The earlier the requests are received the better.  Details of what is required can be found on our website ( the-fund/ plus other tabs) (note tabs on left of the link page).

HMCS Margaret Brooke Embarks on a Historic Mission to Strengthen Global Ties and Advance Scientific (Editor – follow on 2:19 min video)

Le NCSM Margaret Brooke a quitté Halifax pour une mission historique dans le cadre de l’opération PROJECTION 

CSC Updates? and Lockheed Martin at SNA 2025: River-class Destroyer and F-110 Frigate (Editor – 5:20 min video)

Curtiss-Wright gets $27M contract to supply ASIST systems for US Navy’s Constellation-class frigates (Editor – Canadian content!)

It’s time for Poilievre to speak up for Canada’s defence: J.L. Granatstein for Inside Policy

Editor – Thanks NAC-O for organizing the great on-line presentation 20 Jan by Capt (RCN) Drew Graham, Director Naval Requirements (DNR).  Here are links I could find to some of the projects he mentioned:

  1. Royal Canadian Navy Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance Unmanned Aircraft System & Système d’aéronef sans pilote de la Marine royale canadienne pour le renseignement, la surveillance, l’acquisition d’objectifs et la reconnaissance
  2. Remote Minehunting and Disposal System & Système télécommandé de chasse et de neutralisation de mines marines
  3. CMC – Canadian Multi-Mission Corvette Project
  4. Victoria-class Modernization (VCM) & Modernisation des sous-marins de la classe VICTORIA
  5. Report on Unmanned Systems – UAV UGV RPAS AUV UAS UUV UMS C-UAS (Editor – a collection of remote systems)

CAF updates entry medical standards to aid recruitment efforts

Starting 2025 on a high note – Introducing new leave entitlement for Canadian Armed Forces members

Want to see a copy of a speech by Canada’s top general? Then you’ll have to pay

Damen: Steel cut for BC Ferries’ third fully electric vessel

Icebreaker journey along St. Lawrence River sparks hopes for winter cruise industry

Canadian Armed Forces Racism Class Action & Recours collectif sur le racisme dans les Forces armées canadiennes

La Marine canadienne lance le sixième et dernier navire de patrouille extracôtier et de l’Arctique (AOPS)

Library and Archives Canada has developed a special‑purpose request form specifically for commemoration activities for select groups seeking basic information about specific Veterans.

Bibliothèque et Archives Canada a élaboré un formulaire de demande spécial spécifiquement pour les activités de commémoration pour certains groupes recherchant des informations de base sur des anciens combattants spécifiques.

Banned Russian oil is coming to Canada. Here’s how

Grain, crop, container shipments up for Prince Rupert, B.C., port

Editor – An update/reminder about the Canadian Maritime Security Network (CMSN) with good iDEAS papers, Commentaries, Briefing Notes, Major Reports, Books & Volumes, and Red Team analysis of interest!

The Ellesmere Pickup (Editor – newly published novel by NAC member Fraser McKee (Battle of the Atlantic Heroes), and his eighth book but a shift from his historical books)

NAC’s Collection: RCN’s Guiding Documents

Editor – The next edition of STARSHELL is scheduled to be published this month, with one to follow in May 2025 – please forward your articles and ideas to our editor, Adam Lajeunesse soonest (

NAC Naval Affairs Arctic and Offshore Patrol Vessels (Editor – timely briefing note given HMCS Margaret Brooke is heading for the Antarctic)

(Editor – NAC Naval Affairs Papers, Briefing Notes, Niobe Papers, and much more.  Please share with anyone you think may benefit from the knowledge, after all, that’s what our naval affairs programme is all about – enlightening Canadians)



USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Jan. 21, 2025

Trump admin removes commandant of Coast Guard, citing border failures and focus on DEI and Trump Guts Key Aviation Safety Committee, Fires Heads Of TSA, Coast Guard

GAO Report on Maritime Cargo Security coinciding with US Coast Guard Orders Major Maritime Border Security Surge Following Leadership Shakeup

Arleigh Burke-class destroyer could get more firepower with AGM-179 JAGM (Editor – AGM-179 JAGM lower cost counter-drone?)

Navy Must Meet Recruiting Goal for 3 Years to Close Gaps at Sea

USS McClung LSM 1: First in a New Era of Amphibious Warfare for Navy

Lockheed Martin at SNA 2025: LCS with MK 70 launcher (Editor – 4:48 min video)

HII Christens USS Harrisburg Amphibious Transport Dock

Here’s why Trump probably wants the Panama Canal back (Editor – 5:18 min video) while at the Davos World Economic Forum  ‘Be Serious’, Says Panama President on Trump ‘Invasion’ Question

General Dynamics secures US Navy’s MK 54 torpedo contract

Extinction of the classical multi-purpose surface combatant

Salaries of United States Military Personnel

USTR Investigation Finds China’s Maritime Playbook ‘Unreasonable’ as U.S. Shipbuilding Hits Historic Low

Crew “Exasperated” as Bulker Waits for USCG Rescue from Lake Erie Ice

Port of Long Beach Shatters Record with 9.6 Million TEUs in 2024 (Editor – Vancouver did 2M TEUs in 2024)

The Genius Design of Narco Submarines (Editor – 14:20 min video)

Trump Executive Order Renames Gulf of Mexico to “Gulf of America” (Editor – SNL will have fun with this, so after Greenland is absorbed does “Denmark Strait” to “American Strait”? )



Canada, U.S. join forces to monitor South China Sea | HMCS OTTAWA (Editor – 3:35 min CTV news video) French Carrier Charles de Gaulle Kicks Off La Perouse Exercise in South East Asia

PLA Navy commissions first Type 054B frigate, making break- throughs in stealth, combat command and firepower integrated control

CIMSEC: Neither fish nor fowl: China’s development of a nuclear battery AIP submarine (Editor – noteworthy and wide ranging read)

China’s submarine-launched drones can do more than the US military thinks: study and Feiyi: China’s Revolutionary Air-Water Amphibious Drone with Dual-Mode Technology

China and India Scramble for Crude as Sanctioned Russian Tankers Turn Back

US Reactivates Largest Naval and Air Base in Subic Bay, Philippines to counter China (Editor – 8:33 min video)

Philippines Conducts Live Fire Drills Amid Tensions With China

Philippines now negotiates with India for nine Brahmos Anti-ship Missile Batteries to counter China

Australia to invest additional $262 million to support AUKUS submarine supply chain

HJSC bags order for construction of four more high-speed patrol ships for ROKN

India Orders Medium-Range Air Defense Missiles for Naval Vessels

HMNZS Manawanui will not be replaced, Government says




Trump tells Putin to end ‘ridiculous war’ in Ukraine or face new sanctions

CIA’s deep partnership with Ukrainian intelligence (Editor – not naval but if importance in an 8:52 min ABC News video)

North Korean soldiers impress Ukrainian fighters that said About 1,000 North Koreans killed fighting Ukraine in Kursk, officials say


Accidents, Not Russians, to Blame for Undersea Cable Damages, Western Intelligence Says but in different circumstances U.K. Ships Track Russian Surveillance Ship Loitering Near Underwater Cables and a useful UK warns Putin after Russian spy ship returns to British waters | BBC News (Editor – 3:16 min BBC news video) but of course London’s assertion of threat to undersea communications invalid — embassy

Russian Oil Tankers Still Under Construction Included in U.S. Sanctions and Russian Oil Tankers Search for New Flags to Hide From Sanctions

Turkish Navy touts strategic ambitions with Mavi Vatan 2025 drill

Turkish Navy To Invest €350 Million To Aksaz Naval Base Infrastructure For TCG Anadolu And Other Vessels

Lithuania vows to boost defense spending to 5-6% of GDP, citing the threat of Russian aggression

Russia intensifies electronic warfare against Norway

French Navy Receives First Marine Mine-Hunter Drone

Finland will deploy a missile boat in the Baltic Sentry mission

Hellenic Navy Acquires Upgraded Island-Class Patrol Vessels

Croatian Navy Commissions Second Coastal Patrol Ship

Belgian Navy lays keel of its fourth mine warfare mothership

Nearly $1B in Drugs Seized at Dutch Ports as Smuggling was Reduced in 2024

Russia suffering ‘environmental catastrophe’ after oil spill in Kerch Strait



Red Sea:

Houthis Claim 7th Strike on Carrier Truman as Red Sea Conflict Continues

Flash News: US Navy Arleigh Burke destroyer USS Spruance scores impressive missiles & UAVs downs in Red Sea Battle

Houthis Pledge Partial Pause to Red Sea Attacks, But Shipping Industry Cautious on Return then Houthis Release Galaxy Leader Crew; Trump Designates Group a Foreign Terrorist Organization and if DP World: Freight Rates could fall 20% if Red Sea attacks curbed

U.S. Navy LCS Receive Upgraded C-UAS Hellfire Missiles


Pakistan Navy Takes Command of Task Force 151 Leading Global Counter-Piracy Efforts in Gulf of Aden

Iran Guards Unveil Underground Naval Base

Syria’s New Government Cancels Russian Port Lease at Tartus but Russia’s Hopes for Syrian Naval Base Linger On

RNZN Officer takes command of CTF 150



HMNZS Aotearoa departs on resupply mission to Antarctica

SAS Assegaai December trial opening attracts maximum visitors (Editor – see listing of other museum boats below)

Iraq, Thailand, India: The Corridor War Has Begun (Editor – 34:24 min video)



Giant iceberg on crash course with island, putting penguins and seals in danger

The USS Cobia takes a trip! This is the sub’s upcoming journey of preservation (Editor – 2:19 min video) Wikipedia List of submarine museums (Editor – surprised by how many)

The Nuclear Submarine NR-1; Life is Actually Like This



25 January 1951  HMCS ships Nootka and Cayuga were fired on during the Korean War.

26 January 1955  Cabinet approves the entry of members of the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service as members of the RCN Regular Force.

29 January 1914  First public parade of  Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve (RNCVR) in Victoria.  With ex-RN instructors.

30 January 1991  At the Battle of Babiyan two CF-18s were diverted to attack an Iraqi fast patrol boat that had managed to escape destruction by other aircraft.  After two strafing runs with the CF-18s 20 mm guns, the boat was irreparably damaged and later found to have sought safe-haven in Iran.

31 January 1923  The Royal Canadian Naval Reserve and Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve are established.  Twenty-two years later during the second world about 100,000 officers and men were enrolled in the RCN, the RCNR, and the RCNVR, and some 6,500 women in the WRCNS.  The peak strength of the entire Naval Service was reached in January 1945 with over 92,000 including Wrens.

SIGNIFICANT RCN DATES – If you see any omissions or errors please inform me, and any more modern significant dates are also welcomed.  The list draws primarily from the Directory of History and Heritage’s comprehensive “Significant Dates in Canadian Military History”, the now defunct “Canada Channel”, “Legion Magazine”, The Naval Service of Canada, Its Official History Vol 1-3, NAC member Roger Litwiller’s excellent web site, encyclopedic guidance from NAC member Fraser McKee, the site, and anywhere else I can find credible information.  For the merchant ship history, a special thanks to NAC member Bill Dziadyk for his able assistance and detailed work.  The RCN lost 1,965 men and 24 ships during the War, most of them in the Atlantic.  A comprehensive list of the staggering merchant losses – sunk, damaged, or lost – Canadian Merchant Ship Losses of the Second World War, 1939-1945 by Rob Fisher {Revised June 2001}, and for the loss of individual personnel RCN Ship Histories, Convoy Escort Movements, Casualty Lists 1939-1947)

Keep in touch with the NAC

If you are receiving NAC News, consider friends joining NAC – Membership and Renewal plus NAC Naval Affairs Papers, Briefing Notes, Niobe Papers, and much more.

Link to Starshell Magazine

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Archived weekly NAC New Links

Twitter: @navalassn

Should you wish to donate or leave a memorial, consider donating to the NAC, its Branches  or the NAC Endowment Fund.  Donations to the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Education Foundation should be made through its website.

NAC reference to assist veterans and/or seniors is located at Veteran’s Corner

Keep in touch with the RCN

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