NAC News – Edition 579 (HMCS Royal Roads)

Your weekly national and international naval news for the week of August 23rd, 2024
Edition: 579 HMCS Royal Roads Quote: “The failure to properly diagnose the problem before attempting to treat the symptoms is evident in many of the reform efforts over the past fifty years. For example, last year the government formed a national security council to advise the prime minister and coordinate policy between departments. Yet as reporting at the Globe and Mail discovered, the body has met sparingly, and according to individuals interviewed over the course of my research, its actual salience on the policymaking and implementation is extremely low.” Canada’s defence capabilities are in disarray. Here are the three biggest reasons why: Richard Shimooka in the Hub. 16 August 2024, Richard Shimooka, MLI News
Rod Hughes: Editor NAC News (Comments welcome to help improve this service.) Links to keep in touch with the NAC and RCN can be found at the bottom of this email. Contact Kevin Goheen if you wish someone to be added to the NAC News email distribution. (Influencer, or good candidates to become an NAC member, and note the first year’s NAC/Branch membership dues are waived)
14 Sept 2024 at 1400(2:00PM) The VENTURE (1954-1968) Legacy Committee are pleased to inform you of the dedication of the VENTURE (1954-1968) Legacy cairn at the Naval Museum in Stadacona, CFB Base Halifax. A reception will follow at the ballroom in the Wardroom.
23-26 September Oceans Conference & Exposition 2024 Halifax Convention Centre, The OCEANS 2024 Halifax conference is for global maritime professionals to learn, innovate and lead in the protection and utilization of the world’s largest natural resource – our oceans.
30 Oct 2024 Seaspan Industry Day, Vancouver, BC, Industry tour at Vancouver Shipyards (morning) and supplier engagement event at the Vancouver Convention Centre (afternoon). Sold out.
31 Oct & 01 Nov 2024, Association of British Columbia Marine Industries (ABCMI) Business Opportunities Conference & Trade Show, Vancouver Convention Centre. Aimed at all businesses and organizations involved in BC’s industrial marine sector. Includes the Thales Canada Supplier Engagement Event on Friday afternoon, 01 Nov, for businesses interested in learning about supply opportunities for their product and services relevant to the AJISS and MWAVE in-service support contracts. Register
14 November 2024 (7:30-18:30 Ottawa time) Super Early Bird Registration is open for the Vanguard Deep Blue Forum 2024 to be held at The National Arts Centre, 1 Elgin Street, Ottawa. If you’re not able to attend in person, all speaker sessions will be live streamed, to permit virtual attendance. FREE registration for all serving navy & government personnel. Not Able to Attend in Person? – all speaker sessions will be live streamed, to allow for virtual attendance. Sponsorship opportunities available:
For more information on sponsorship or registration, please contact: David Blondeau at 905-841-7389
25 February 2025 ShipTech Forum 2025 Super Early Bird registration is open!, The National Arts Centre, Ottawa ON
Teamsters union serves CN Rail with 72-hour strike notice as CPKC stoppage ongoing
RIMPAC from a Commander’s Perspective and China-Russia Tech Cooperation (Editor – 58:34 min CGAI podcast, starting interview with Cmdre (RCN) Kristjan Monaghan)
First Naval Large Tugs arrive on West Coast
Working with the North, for the North (Editor – CCG’s two future Polar Icebreakers named: CCGS Arpatuuq and CCGS Imnaryuaq)
Travailler avec le Nord, pour le Nord (éditeur – Les deux futurs brise-glaces polaires de la GCC nommés : NGCC Arpatuuq et NGCC Imnaryuaq)
Canada extends service of Combat Support Ship Asterix through 2028
A Navy Experience Program Sailor OFFICIALLY joins the Regular Force! (Editor – RCN 1:59 min video)
Rare! The amazing hovercraft of the Canadian Coast Guard! (Editor – 19:17 min video)
Veterans’ families need legislated access to mental health services, watchdog says
Canada Transportation Safety Board Investigation Unveils Critical Flaws in Toronto Ferry Operations
Canadian Defence Review: This edition is packed with naval articles. Well worth the registration. (Editor – previous edition cover pages)
Trident: Monday August 19, 2024 Volume 58, Issue 17 with page 10 “Canadian, allied ships depart for Op Nanook”
Trident : lundi 19 août 2024 Volume 58, numéro 17 avec page 10 « Des navires canadiens et alliés partent pour l’opération Nanook »
NAC Naval Affairs Programme Bibliographies First World War (Editor – Please share with anyone you think may benefit from the knowledge, after all, that’s what our naval affairs programme is all about – enlightening Canadians)
USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Aug. 19, 2024
Red Sea Combat Experience Helping Refine Surface Warfare Education, Say Navy Leaders
Navy Could Sideline 17 Support Ships Due to Manpower Issues
GA-ASI’s MQ-9B SeaGuardian Showcased At RIMPAC 2024
Report to Congress on the Replicator Initiative
CBO: Cost of Coast Guard’s Heavy Icebreakers Could Jump By 60 Percent
HMS Trent helps with Virgin Islands damage and disruption following Hurricane Ernesto
HMS Protector passes through Panama Canal and arrives in Pacific on way to Antarctica
The $3.2BN US Megaproject to STOP a $1 Trillion Disaster | Building A New Soo Lock (Editor – matters to Canada too, in a 10:33 min video)
New ‘Great Game’ Unfolds in Pacific as U.S., China Vie for Backing
Carrier USS Abraham Lincoln Leaves South China Sea, Bound for Middle East
Italian Carrier Strike Group, USS Dewey Drill in Philippine Sea
U.S. Destroyer Sails Through Taiwan Strait Transit
Navy’s oldest operational warship wraps up its longest patrol in 5 years
Royal Canadian Navy’s frigate visits HCM City
Report to Congress on China Naval Modernization
PLA Navy’s amphibious assault ship starts far seas drill: report
Aircraft carrier Bush gets first-ever Stingray drone control room
China Says Philippine Vessel ‘Deliberately Collided’ With Chinese Vessel on the other hand China Coast Guard Rams Philippine Cutters Near Disputed South China Sea Shoals
South Korea to build testing facility for nuclear submarine reactors by next year.
USS San Diego Departs for Japan
Navy to Pursue a Block Buy of 4 Amphibious Warfare Ships
Japan Coast Guard order two SeaGuardian RPAs
China upgrades Type 071 amphibious ship Shiming Shan with advanced laser weapon system.
Snapshot of China Coast Guard’s work and life on patrol in waters off Huangyan Island
U.S. Submarine Tender to Support AUKUS Pillar 1 Milestone
World’s first installation of rotor sails on Capesize bulker
Russia Deploys Fake Kilo-Class Submarine In Sevastopol
Mapping Ukraine’s ‘Completely Unprecedented’ Invasion of Russia | WSJ (Editor – not maritime, but an interesting analysis in a 6:23 min video)
Breaking News Ukraine unveils new long-range Neptune missile variant
Royal Navy Frigates and Destroyers to be Equipped with Advanced Ancilia Missile Launchers (Editor – 2:25 min video)
Frigate moved onto huge barge in Glasgow ahead of ‘launch’
Exclusive: Rubin From Russia Unveils Revolutionary Unmanned Underwater Station Called Octavis
Russia unveils Karakurt-E: transforming missile boats into advanced anti-submarine ships
Remplacer les 5 Frégates classe Lafayette, un impératif urgent pour la Marine nationale
How did divers manage to blow up the Nord Stream pipeline? We went down to the spot to find out and NATO: More Effort Needed to Shield Subsea Links
Second Project 23550 combat icebreaker Nikolay Zubov set for launch by year-end.
HD HHI Submarines In The Poland’s ORKA Program
More than 700 Kilos of Cocaine Seized in One Week in Port of Rotterdam
Doomed Arctic LNG platform arrives in Arctic Russia
German Navy blasts out Darth Vader theme on Thames (Editor – couldn’t resist; a 22 sec video)
Disney Inks Largest Ever Order for Meyer to Build Four Cruise Ships by 2031
Red Sea:
U.S. Centcom Says It Destroyed One Houthi Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle In Yemen
Oil tanker on fire and adrift in Red Sea after multiple attacks
Carrier USS Abraham Lincoln Arrives in U.S. Central Command
Iran introduces new Baqeri drone carrier warship amid rising regional tensions
NATO Standing Naval Forces Conduct PASSEX with Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force and Allies (Editor – Commodore (RCN) Matthew Coates Standing NATO Maritime Group 2 Commander in the flagship HMCS Charlottetown)
Zr.Ms. Karel Doorman not to Lebanon, on his way to Den Helder
China, Egypt hold joint naval exercise in Mediterranean Sea
China Deploys Three Icebreakers to Arctic as U.S. Presence Suffers After ‘Healy’ Fire
Why we need a better way to measure hurricanes
Algeria officially announces use of Chinese anti-ship missiles for coastal defense.
Shipowners Need to Prepare for Phaseout of Legacy Firefighting Foam
Severe Weather Causes Container Loss Off South African Coast
Walter U-Boat: German Sub with REVOLUTIONARY propulsion system, that could have CHANGED the war… (Editor – 8:33 min video)
Mysteries of the K-129 (Editor – USNI 46:46 min podcast)
24 August 1949 North Atlantic Treaty goes into effect, with the parties agreeing that an armed attack against one country would be considered ‘an attack against them all.’ NATO created by Canada, the US, and 10 European countries.
24 August 1957 US Wind class icebreaker HMCS Labrador under RCN Capt O.C.S. “Long Robbie” Robertson the first deep draught vessel to navigate Bellot Strait; will become the first ship to circumnavigate North America in a single voyage; transferred to the Department of Transport on 22 November 1957 and re-designated the Canadian Government Ship (CGS) Labrador; later CCGS Labrador.
24 August 1969 US oil tanker Manhattan leaves Chester on trial voyage through Northwest Passage; helped by Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker CCGS John A. Macdonald, the Manhattan will reach Sachs Harbour, NWT, on September 15.
24 August 1990 HMC Ships Athabaskan, Protecteur, and Terra Nova with 934 personnel sail from Halifax to participate in the United Nations to participate in the blockade of Iraq over its invasion of Kuwait three weeks earlier, Operation Friction.
26 August 1939 World War II – The British Admiralty transmits the single word ‘funnel’ – the agreed-upon signal transfers control of Canadian merchant ships from the owners to the RCN.
26 August 1940 US President Franklin D Roosevelt and Canadian Prime Minister W. L. MacKenzie King signed the Ogdensburg Agreement calling for a permanent board for the defence of Canada and the US 8-days ago and The Permanent Joint Board on defence holds its first meeting in Ottawa, Ontario.
27 August 1942 The Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service is established.
27 August 1944 Actions by Flying Officer Roderick Borden Gray of the RCAF over the Atlantic Ocean earn him the George Cross. (Posthumous). Flying Officer Gray was the navigator of a Wellington aircraft which was shot down into the sea by a U-boat in the Atlantic. The crew managed to extricate themselves from the aircraft and despite a severe wound in the leg, Gray succeeded in inflating his own dinghy and then assisted his captain. After helping others into the raft, he recognized that it could not hold more than 2 persons. Although suffering intense pain, he refused to get into the dinghy. Gray held on to its side for some hours eventually becoming exhausted. He eventually lost consciousness and died.
27 August 1997 HMCS Ottawa during a fierce storm near Dakar harbour, Senegal conducted a challenging rescue mission. Upon finding a recently sunken vessel, they managed to pluck from the water 16 fishermen through judicious ship handling and skilled boat work. Despite the best efforts of the embarked Sea King helicopter to scour the immediate area they were regrettably unable to locate the Captain and five other of the crew who perished. The survivors told the navy their boat sank in five-meter swell after its cargo shifted.
28 August 1942 HMCS Oakville commanded by LCDR Clarence A. King, DSC, RCNR during convey escort duties and working with a USN PBY sank the German submarine U-94 in the Caribbean Sea by depth-charges and three rammings. Once the submarine was stopped, two sailors board her and force entry into the conning tower, capturing the now sinking U-boat.
28 August 1992 RCN sends destroyer HMCS Gatineau to monitor UN embargo against Yugoslavia; moves to NATO standing force in Mediterranean.
29 August 1911 The prefix “”Royal”” is granted to the Canadian Navy by the King.
29 August 1917 Robert Borden’s Military Service Act gets Royal Assent; all male British subjects up to 45 years of age liable for conscription; with certain exceptions. Ottawa, Ontario
30 August 1943 HMCS Athabaskan (Destroyer) is commissioned at Newcastle on the Tyne, England.
30 August 2003 HMCS Haida (G63), Canada’s most famous warship and the last remaining Tribal Class in the world, is moved to the Hamilton waterfront by Parks Canada; on the 60th anniversary of her commissioning into the RCN..
SIGNIFICANT RCN DATES – If you see any omissions or errors please inform me, and any more modern significant dates are also welcomed. The list draws primarily from the Directory of History and Heritage’s comprehensive “Significant Dates in Canadian Military History”, the now defunct “Canada Channel”, “Legion Magazine”, The Naval Service of Canada, Its Official History Vol 1-3, NAC member Roger Litwiller’s excellent web site, encyclopedic guidance from NAC member Fraser McKee, the site, and anywhere else I can find credible information. For the merchant ship history, a special thanks to NAC member Bill Dziadyk for his able assistance and detailed work. The RCN lost 1,965 men and 24 ships during the War, most of them in the Atlantic. A comprehensive list of the staggering merchant losses – sunk, damaged, or lost – Canadian Merchant Ship Losses of the Second World War, 1939-1945 by Rob Fisher {Revised June 2001}, and for the loss of individual personnel RCN Ship Histories, Convoy Escort Movements, Casualty Lists 1939-1947)
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