NAC News – Edition 575

Your weekly national and international naval news for the week of July 26th, 2024
Edition: 575 Nanisivik Naval Facility “As the country with the longest coastline in the world, Canada needs a new fleet of submarines – and today, we’ve announced that we will move forward with this acquisition. This new fleet will enable Canada to protect its sovereignty in a changing world, and make valuable, high-end contributions to the security of our partners and NATO Allies. We look forward to delivering this new fleet to the Royal Canadian Navy.” The Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of National Defence, 10 July 2024
Rod Hughes: Editor NAC News (Comments welcome to help improve this service.) Links to keep in touch with the NAC and RCN can be found at the bottom of this email. Contact Kevin Goheen if you wish someone to be added to the NAC News email distribution. (Influencer or good candidates to become a NAC member, and note the first year’s NAC/Branch membership dues are waived)
NEW 23-26 September Oceans Conference & Exposition 2024 Halifax Convention Centre, The OCEANS 2024 Halifax conference is for global maritime professionals to learn, innovate and lead in the protection and utilization of the world’s largest natural resource – our OCEANS.
30 Oct/1 Nov 2024 Seaspan announced their upcoming National Shipbuilding Strategy Industry Day, in partnership with the Association of British Columbia Marine Industries (ABCMI). It will be held at the Vancouver Convention Centre. More details to come for those who Register.
14 November 2024 Super Early Bird Registration is open for the Vanguard Deep Blue Forum 2024 to be held at The National Arts Centre, 1 Elgin Street, Ottawa. If you’re not able to attend in person, all speaker sessions will be live streamed, to permit virtual attendance.
25 February 2025 ShipTech Forum 2025 The National Arts Centre, Ottawa ON
Trudeau urged to spend more on military by premiers
Burton: Canada’s new top soldier needs to protect our Arctic from China
Korean War Veterans Day Act (Editor – 27 July each year. See note in “This Week in RCN/Maritime History”)
Royal Canadian Navy Extends Naval Experience Program
A quick look at a United States Navy P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft from VP-9 Golden Eagles (Editor – 4:28 min video)
USS Carney visits Québec, Highlights Maritime Security and Partnerships (Editor – a Red Sea star attends a grand event)
Crew Swap between HMCS Vancouver and USS William P. Lawrence (Editor – CAF RIMPAC 2024, 57 sec video)
CANADIAN ARMED FORCES: Cut to the BONE! (Editor – Esprit de Corps 6:19 min commentary) on the other hand Canada, NATO and the vociferous protests of American senators (Editor – per capita comparison. A bit dated but play with the tables; Canadians are ahead of Russian! Remember “”statistics can say anything you want them to”. Enjoy J)
CFB Esquimalt ship takes on water, stops in Hawaii for repairs
A quick look at the CC-295 Kingfisher search and rescue aircraft of the Royal Canadian Air Force (Editor – 4:54 min video)
Conduct and culture change (Editor – one stop shopping at CAF site)
Sage60: Sage magazine’s new partner publication
Lookout: 22 July 2024 Volume 69, Issue N0. 29 (Editor – note NAC Merritt Chisholm (name misspelt) sword being awarded pg 10. The sword was donated years ago by NAC life Member Merritt Chisholm and the associated plaque/stand has been updated recently to reflect the RCN’s current focus. The award goes to “the Naval Warfare Officer on Phase 4 who exemplifies Esprit de Corps and Perseverance”. NAC gives the recipient a book as a keepsake as well)
Trident: 22 July 2024 Volume 58, Issue 15 (editor – too many good articles to single one out)
NAC Naval Affairs Programme Bibliographies Canada’s Naval Requirements (Editor – Please share with anyone you think may benefit from the knowledge, after all, that’s what our naval affairs programme is all about – enlightening Canadians)
USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: July 22, 2024
Everybody Fights: A Conversation with SMMC Carlos A. Ruiz (Editor – lots of lessons in a 39:56 min video)
Pentagon Arctic Strategy Aims to Enhance U.S. Presence, Exercise More Often
USS Ronald Reagan, USS George Washington Begin Carrier Hull Swap in San Diego
Coast Guard Offloads More Than $96 Million in Illegal Narcotics Interdicted in the Caribbean Sea
Report to Congress on Virginia-class Submarine Program, AUKUS
Report to Congress on Navy TAGOS-25 Ocean Surveillance Shipbuilding Program
Scary Technique US Forces Use to Capture Illegal Ships in Middle of Ocean (Editor – 16:18 min video)
Ecuador’s navy ready to combat illegal fishing around the Galapagos Islands
Florida County May Consider Buying and Sinking SS United States
Indonesian Navy submarine missing in Bali Sea (Editor – truncated Janes subscriber only article, but the gist is there)
Second Thomas Shoal: deal or no deal?
Taiwan island launches military exercise in ‘futile attempt to resist reunification’
INS Brahmaputra severely damaged in fire, lying on its side; sailor missing
Iran’s IRGC Flexes Long-Range Capability with Converted Boxship
Royal Australian Navy Destroyer Fires Naval Strike Missile on Former U.S. Amphib During RIMPAC 2024 and Dutch warship Zr.Ms. Tromp sinks US vessel in RIMPAC Naval Exercise.
AUKUS Navy Chiefs first trilateral visit to HMAS Stirling (Editor – 10:33 min video)
First indigenous Frigate INS Triput launched by Goa Shipyard Ltd
New Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Force [Commander]
Japanese and Taiwanese coast guards hold first joint drill
South Korea holds keel-laying ceremony for second Jangbogo-III Batch-II submarine.
Vietnamese frigate Tran Hung Dao arrives in Vladivostok for diplomatic visit.
Alkath Group, MSubs partner on maritime autonomous capabilities
Dark Fleet Caper Exposes Growing Risks in Crowded Malacca Strait and Supertanker Detained in Malaysia After Fleeing Scene of Collision Near Singapore with Salvage Team Surveys Fire-Damaged Hafnia Product Tanker
Crew Member Dies in Fire Aboard Maersk Frankfurt Off India and Indian Coast Guard Continues to Battle Cargo Fire on Maersk Frankfurt (Editor – I wonder what was burning and why…always interesting in these container fires)
Oil Spill Threatens Philippines Capital After Tanker Capsizes
Ukraine Claims Strike on Kerch Strait’s Strategic Rail Ferry
Explosives-Packed Jet Ski Drone Appears Off Turkish Coast
NATO funnels weapons into Black Sea, threatening Russia — Kremlin Aide Patrushev and Ukraine has no access to Sea of Azov, its strategy detached from reality — official
A History Of Crimea In Five Minutes (Editor – a 4:53 min video…from 10 years ago)
Conflict in Ukraine’s Donbas Region: The Geology Behind the Headlines (Editor – not a maritime article but a different perspective presented in an 18:28 mi video)
Sanctions Effective in Stopping Russia’s Arctic LNG 2, Says U.S. Official
Britain reconfirms plans to increase defence spending (Editor – 2.5% of GDP)
British carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth back at sea and General Atomics proposes its Gambit UCAV concept for Royal Navy’s aircraft carriers
New frigate to be launched in Scotland next month
Chinese Navy Ships Sail Into ‘NATO Lake’ then Chinese warship arrives in St. Petersburg for Russian naval celebrations but nearby Main naval parade in Kronstadt canceled
After India Cancels Shipbuilding Order, Turkey Suspends Defense Exports
Lockheed Martin inks deals for SPY-7 radar manufacturing
OSI to Deliver Integrated Bridge System to Portuguese Navy
Nuclear submarine Kazan returns to Zaozyorsk after two-month mission.
UK to replenish LMM missile stocks after huge donations to Ukraine
Dutch court upholds France submarine deal in billion-euro contract dispute.
Indian Naval Ship Tabar arrives in Hamburg, Germany
Royal Navy’s Project Vahana completed
German submarine sets sail on long voyage to her final destination – by road (Editor – entertaining videos included!)
Russia Loads Fourth Sanctioned Sovcomflot Tanker in Snub to West
Kremlin Says Russian Arctic Cooperation with China is Not Aimed Against Anyone
UK Ship Insurer Sees Problems Paying Claims Involving Sanctioned Russian Provider
Red Sea:
July 23 U.S. Central Command Update
Houthi Threat to Red Sea Shipping is Growing, UN Envoy to Yemen Says
Houthis Lose a Blowfish (USV)| MV Pumba Dodges the Houthi in the Red Sea (Editor – 18:04 min video analysis)
Russian Pacific Fleet ships Varyag & Marshal Shaposhnikov enter Red Sea after Suez Canal passage.
Russian Commodities Aren’t Safe from Houthi Attacks in Red Sea
Shipping’s Carbon Emissions Soar as Houthi Attacks Fuel Longer Voyages
Iranian Navy Raises Capsized Frigate Sahand from the Water
Yemen’s Hodeidah Port Resumes Operations After Israeli Strike
What did the US military’s Gaza aid pier actually accomplish?
Iran Seizes Togo-Flagged Products Tanker in Persian Gulf
Indonesia Prepares To Deploy Hospital Ships Again For Gaza
German Navy chief visits Israel to discuss underwater drone technologies.
Oxygen discovery defies knowledge of the deep ocean
Israel continues armament deliveries to Senegal amid conflict with Hamas.
Fullbore Friday (Editor – introduces wonderful vintage 11:24 min video footage)
Shackleton’s wrecked Endurance to get extra protection
CIMSEC: Sea Control 539: Normandy – the sailors’ story and D-day with Nick Hewitt (Editor – useful perspective in a 32:18 min podcast)
Frederick ‘Johnnie’ Walker – The U-Boat Purge Continues (Part 3 – July to December 1943) (Editor –
HMS Barham – A survivor’s story. (Editor – a personal narrative in a 3:33 min video related to last week’s video of Barham sinking)
“Preussen”. The first five-masted, full-rigged sailing ship ever built. (Editor – 8:21 min video)
Lifesavers: How Conflict Innovation Can Build a Better World (Editor – 48 min podcast)
27 July 1953 The Korean Armistice is signed, ending three years of war. The war is technically still ongoing today. The first Canadian military response was made by the RCN less than two weeks after the outbreak of hostilities when three destroyers, HMCS Cayuga, Athabaskan, and Sioux set sail for the Far East. They arrived in the theatre of operations later that summer, ready to take part in the battle for the Pusan bridgehead in Korea. Five other tribal class destroyers, HMCS Crusader, Huron, Iroquois, Nootka, and Haida, served with the “Canadian Destroyer Division, Far East” as part of the United Nations (UN) fleet halfway around the world in the waters off Korea during the war. On 8 June 2010, the Senate of Canada unanimously adopted a motion to acknowledge and endorse July 27 in each and every year as National Korean War Veterans Day.
27 July Korean War Veteran’s Day
29 July 1948 HMCS Royal Roads is transformed into a Canadian Service College, Royal Roads and begins training flight cadets, as well as naval cadets.
29 July 1972 HMCS Iroquois, the first of the DDH 280 class destroyers, is commissioned.
31 July 1940 HMCS Prince Robert, after conversion from a merchant vessel, is commissioned as an armed merchant cruiser.
31 July 1942 HMCS Skeena commanded by A/LCdr Kenneth L. Dyer, RCN with HMCS Wetaskiwin commanded by LCdr Guy S. Windeyer, RCN sank U-588 in the North Atlantic.
31 July 1942 A RCAF Hudson while on patrol 113 Squadron sank U-754 off Nova Scotia.
31 July 1942 The Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service (WRCNS, and popularly referred to as “Wrens” after their WRNS colleagues) is authorized, achieving a WW2 peak of 5,893 and while the service existed 6,783 women in total serving in the WRCNS. 1000 served overseas and 11 died on active service from sickness or accidents. “Wrens” served in 39 trades, including administrative and clerical work, signalling, coding, and wireless telegraphy. HMCS Conestoga, formerly Bytown II, was established for the basic training establishment for the WRCNS. This was a volunteer service composed of women and was separate from the Volunteer Reserve. HMCS Conestoga was in the former Grandview School for Girls, a detention centre for ‘wayward’ girls in Galt, ON. That past quickly became a running joke, but the facility, with existing residences, teaching space, an administration building, and cafeteria, was perfectly suited to its new purpose, and the Wrens quickly made it their home. Basic training at Conestoga lasted three weeks, after which the women would move on to specialist training at other facilities.
1 August 1959 The RCN was presented with Queens Colours by Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II in Halifax.
2 August A Hampton from RCAF Squadron 415 while on patrol sank U-706 in the North Atlantic.
SIGNIFICANT RCN DATES – If you see any omissions or errors please inform me, and any more modern significant dates are also welcomed. The list draws primarily from the Directory of History and Heritage’s comprehensive “Significant Dates in Canadian Military History”, the now defunct “Canada Channel”, “Legion Magazine”, The Naval Service of Canada, Its Official History Vol 1-3, NAC member Roger Litwiller’s excellent web site, encyclopedic guidance from NAC member Fraser McKee, the site, and anywhere else I can find credible information. For the merchant ship history, a special thanks to NAC member Bill Dziadyk for his able assistance and detailed work. The RCN lost 1,965 men and 24 ships during the War, most of them in the Atlantic. A comprehensive list of the staggering merchant losses – sunk, damaged, or lost – Canadian Merchant Ship Losses of the Second World War, 1939-1945 by Rob Fisher {Revised June 2001}, and for the loss of individual personnel RCN Ship Histories, Convoy Escort Movements, Casualty Lists 1939-1947)
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