NSNAC Organization and Activities
How is NSNAC organized?
- A volunteer Board of Directors oversee the Branch’s programs and finances. A small executive administers the affairs of the Branch and organizes social, educational, and fund-raising events.
- Directors are elected at the Annual General Meeting by the membership for unspecified terms.
- Directors nominate one of their number to be President whose appointment is similarly ratified by the membership at the AGM.
Interim Board Of Directors
President, Bruce Belliveau
Past President, Peter Haydon
Secretary/Treasurer, Robert Rounds
Advocacy, Bill Woodburn
Fundraising, Tony Goode
Heritage, Len Canfield
Alumni/Social, Vacant
Chaplain, Charlie Black
Charles Westropp, Rowland Marshall, Sherry Richardson
Branch Activities
Rebuilding NSNAC
At the Annual AGM 2020, it was moved and approved to conduct strategic level planning for NSNAC. At the AGM the following themes were approved for assessment in the strategic plan:
NS NAC advocacy role as it relates to Maritime Affairs;
Develop a Maritime Heritage Awareness programme;
Conduct of single focused fundraising for the Canadian Naval Memorial Trust (CNMT); and
Maintain an alumni like function for the membership.
Maritime Affairs
Information on NSNAC Maritime Affairs activities will be posted when events or
initiatives take place. For current initiatives at the National Level please visit navalassoc.ca
Naval History and Heritage
Information of interest to members concerning RCN and maritime history will be
posted periodically.
Support for Veterans
Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) now defines a veteran as being, “Any former member
of the Canadian Armed Forces who successfully underwent basic training and is
honourably discharged.”
However, other criteria, in addition to Veteran status, are needed to qualify
for services from the Department. The VAC website (veterans.gc.ca) contains
much information on services and eligibility. In addition, Some NSNAC Directors
have experience in these matters and are available to help members.