HMCS Rainbow Artefact Joined by Artwork
by Paul Seguna, LCdr RCN (Ret’d), NAC- VI
Oak Bay, BC – On Thursday 27rd June, 2019, at the monthly luncheon of the Naval Association of Canada – Vancouver Island (NAC-VI) held at the Royal Victoria Yacht Club (RVYC) Rear-Admiral J.R (Bob) Auchterlonie, OMM CD, Commander Maritime Forces Pacific, participated in the presentation of a framed reproduction of a painting of the original HMCS RAINBOW by famed marine artist Bo Hermanson to Commodore Roger Hind, RVYC. Mr Hermanson was presented with a certificate for the NAC Gold Medal at the same event in recognition of his many outstanding contributions in illustrating our naval history and operations through his artwork over many years.
The presentation underscores the long association between the Royal Canadian Navy and this important member of the Victoria marine community. The painting has a special significance for the club as a ship’s wheel from HMCS RAINBOW I (one of the first two ships commissioned into the RCN in 1910) has been located at the club since the 1920s. The ship’s wheel is prominent above the fireplace in the main club lounge and will now be joined by the painting in an adjacent alcove as symbols of the RVYC’s ongoing close relationship with our Navy past, present and future.
Those interested in learning more about this aspect of our naval history might consider a visit to the CFB Esquimalt Naval & Military museum with its excellent exhibit on HMCS RAINBOW I (the second HMCS RAINBOW, the former USS ARGONAUT, was a submarine in commissioned RCN service from 1968-1974 ) including artefacts and a large-scale builder’s model of the ship.
Left: Rear-Admiral J.R Auchterlonie, OMM CD, Commander Maritime Forces Pacific, participated in the presentation of a framed reproduction of a painting of HMCS RAINBOW I by noted marine artist Bo Hermanson to the Royal Victoria Yacht Club (RVYC) represented by Commodore Roger Hind, RVYC. Bill Conconi and Rod Hughes, represented the Naval Assoc. of Canada – Vancouver Island (NAC-VI) which sponsored the presentation. In the background is a ship’s wheel from the first HMCS RAINBOW which has been in the club’s possession since 1925. It will now be joined by the painting on permanent display at the Club. (L-R) Mr B. Conconi (NAC-VI), Mr. R. Hind (RVYC), Cdr (Ret’d) R. Hughes (NAC-VI) and RAdm J.R. Auchterlonie (COMD MARPAC).
Photo: Paul Seguna, NAC-VI
- HMCS RAINBOW I exhibit at CFB Esquimalt Naval & Military Museum. Photo: Paul Seguna
- NAC-VI VP Rod Hughes with NAC Awards winners Bo Hermanson, Mike Brossard and Diana Dewar
- NAC-VI and NOAC Vancouver members at AGM/Rainbow painting presentation