naval affairs

Endowment Fund Projects 2023

Endowment Fund Projects 2023

Book Cover - HMCS Discovery Roll of HonourA book created by NACBC honouring WW II naval veterans from HMCS DISCOVERY with support from NAC EF







NACNS President Bruce Belliveau
presenting an NAC EF cheque to Bill
Woodburn, Chair of the CNMT for HMCS
SACKVILLENACNS President Bruce Belliveau presenting an NAC EF cheque to Bill Woodburn, Chair of the CNMT for HMCS SACKVILLE






Hunter and HuntedThe book, “Hunter and Hunted”
now is available with support from
the NAC EF.





Presentation of NAC Endowment Fund Cheque to Broadmead Care


Broadmead care endowment fund cheque presentationAs shown in the photo to the left, at the end of July, I presented a cheque on behalf of our Endowment Fund to the representatives of Broadmead Care to better the conditions of veterans and others living in the care of the Broadmead Lodge. As an aside, the stained-glass window in the background is comprised of broken glass gleaned from churches in the UK that were bombed during the Second World War.

The Lodge itself is composed of several accommodation nodes with about 15 apartments in each common grouping. These accommodation buildings are connected by a series of branching corridors that are one level underground, with fire-proof security doors at each end. This means there is no natural light, and I found this to be reminiscent of Burma Road or Sesame Street (depending on the class of destroyer)!

To make these areas more convivial and appealing, the lodge’s graphic arts staff have posted pictures, shadowboxes, and other displays along the walls of the corridors. The displays reflect many aspects of Canadiana and comprise subjects such as the RCMP and First Nations, as shown in the accompanying photos.

Also, some other themes featured include mining, forestry, fishing, and the latest being developed is a series of historical hand tool, such as shipwrights implements. As with some other displays, this new display will be interactive to provide an even more fulfilling experience.

Broadmead Care first nations displayDuring the visit, I had the chance to speak with some of the residents as well as several of the staff. I was extremely impressed by the level of expertise, caring, and commitment shown by all the staff members and how pleased the residents were with their surroundings.

The lodge will use this grant to build a naval display.

Yours aye,

Commander Steve White, BSc, CD, CAF/RCN (Retired)
President, NAC Vancouver Island