NAC News – K342 HMCS Peterborough

Your weekly national and international naval news for the week of February 1st, 2020
Edition – K342 HMCS Peterborough (WW2 Revised Flower Class Corvette)
Rod Hughes – Editor NAC News (comments welcome to help improve this service)
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★ Editor’s stars of the week
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- Vanguard ShipTech 2020 Forum Keynote Speaker: Mario Pelletier, Commissioner of the Canadian Coast Guard, The Westin, Ottawa, ON 25 February 2020, 7:30 – 17:00
- Robert Hampton Gray VC. DSC. RCNVR memorial fund raising
- 2020 NAC BOA Gala, conference and AGM – 30 April – 3 May 2020 in Ottawa.
- 30 Apr (Thursday) – Evening – 2020 BOA Gala Dinner at Canadian War Museum
- 1 May (Friday) – Day – NAC National Conference
- 2 May (Saturday) – Morning – NAC National 2020 AGM
- 3 May (Sunday) – 1000-1400 – National RCN BOA ceremony/parade and associated social gathering
- Vanguard Launches First-Ever Canadian Submarine Event (Editor – The next big RCN procurement challenge! The Deep Blue 2020 Forum, a one-day event, will take place on 29 October 2020, details to follow)
- NAC National Board of Directors – “Seeking Expressions of Interest” – Our AGM this year will be held on Saturday, May 2, 2020 in Ottawa. In preparation for the election of Directors, the Nominating Committee is soliciting “expressions of interest” from members interested in serving on the Board of Directors. If you are interested, please send your name and contact information, including a statement of your reasons for wanting to serve on the Board, to Nominating Committee Chair Michael Hoare, via the Executive Director no later than Friday, March 6, 2020
- ★ Vice Admiral (Ret’d) Mark Norman addresses the RCMI (Editor – first-rate RCMI Toronto after-dinner talk by the Admiral)
- Failed Mark Norman Prosecution Cost Taxpayers $1.4M In Legal Costs
- Change in command for HMCS Calgary; another officer disabled ship’s smoke detector (Editor – CO and XO, always more to these situations)
- A shift in boardings at sea training
- Baker-Falkner led audacious attack against German battleship (Editor – from the RCN naval Heroes series)
- Supporting Bell Let’s Talk Day
- DND clears up 37,000 Phoenix pay cases, has another 39,000 to go
- The backlash against Japanese-Canadians
- The Maple Leaf is now on
- USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Jan. 27, 2020
- How the Ford-class Supercarriers (armed with F-35s) could be Unstoppable
- Navy Weighing Costs, Timelines of Bringing F-35Cs to Carrier JFK
- Future of U.S. Carrier Fleet Key Issue as New Force Structure Moves Through Pentagon
- US Navy deploys low-yield Trident W76-2 nuclear submarine warhead
- Navy Rethinking Fundamental Training for SWO Skills, Crafting More Complex Pre-Deployment Exercises
- Frigate Contract Would Lead to Shipyard Upgrade
- The greatest risk to national security you’ve never heard of
- Video: Bering Sea Medevac in Heavy Swells (Editor – wow, don’t try this without a great aircraft and a superbly trained aircrew, 58 sec video)
- Meet the secret new U.S. navy torpedo that will destroy with one shot #WARTHOGDEFENSE (Editor – first half (5 mins) of a interesting video)
- How Should America Respond To Russia’s “Supercavitating” Torpedoes?
- Raytheon secures next phase funding for mid-band Growler jammer
- L3Harris Technologies to Provide Unmanned Undersea Vehicle to U.S. Navy
- VIDEO: Navy Celebrates 60th Anniversary of Trieste Dive (Editor – 5:23 min video included)
- U.S. Navy Agrees to Stop Cleaning Mothballed Hulls in Puget Sound
- Hong Kong Halts Ferry Service to China on Virus Fears (Editor – all kinds of expanding ripples)
- Panel: China Now Well Positioned to Bully Neighbors in South China Sea
- ★ China Estimated to be Second Largest Arms Producer
- U.S. Navy Warship USS Montgomery Sails Near Disputed Fiery Cross Reef in South China Sea
- USS Texas Arrives in Stirling, Australia
- Chinese Type 052D destroyer fitted with possible anti-ship missile decoy launchers
- U.S. Navy’s first MQ-4C Triton UAS Begins Initial Pacific Deployment
- HMAS Dechaineux submariners build ties with regional partners
- Indian Navy to soon get first batch of indigenously-built Varunastra torpedoes
- New National Commander for Navy Cadets
- Seaspan’s Fleet Nears 1 Million TEU after Newest Acquisition
- SDSR 2020 – which direction for the Royal Navy?
- The Royal Navy’s New Aircraft Carriers Are Eating the Fleet
- Royal Navy puts finishing touches on first true carrier strike group in a decade
- Fincantieri Launched The Italian Navy’s Tenth And Final FREMM Frigate
- ★ First Type 26 Frigate HMS Glasgow taking shape on the Clyde
- United States will hand over three more Island-class patrol boats to Ukrainian Navy
- France Confirms Order For Six New POM Offshore Patrol Vessels
- France to decide where to dismantle Clemenceau-class aircraft carrier
- Turkey reveals more details for Barbaros frigate MLU
- Shipbuilders float out latest minesweeper in Russia’s northwest
- Russian Navy ship visits Cyprus in Mediterranean deployment
- Russian submarines to get unguided shells to break ice
- Watch: Wild Docking in Norway (Editor – Wow, 51 sec video embedded)
- Russian Government Bankrolls Leader Icebreaker Project
- Russian company Gazprom finds more gas than expected in future Arctic field
- Carnival Mardi Gras Floated Out
- UK Royal Navy assumes command of Gulf maritime security coalition
- Navies’ successful anti-narcotics role
- HMCS Glace Bay and HMCS Shawinigan deployed on Operation PROJECTION
- Pirate attacks: Gulf of Guinea account for 90% of global crew kidnapping in 2019
- Morocco looking at buying Avante vessels as it orders more French arms
- MSC Chartered Ship MV Ocean Giant Conducts Cargo Operations At McMurdo Station Antarctic in Support of Operation Deep Freeze 2020
- Ammonia: a front-runner for a decarbonised future
- ★ A Few Good Lawyers
- Why Did America Hand 150 Ships Over to Soviet Russia During World War II?
- The WW2 Aircraft Carrier Made of Ice – Operation Habakkuk
- The Distant Early Warning Line and Forgotten History (Editor – not naval, but interesting for perspective given the recent discussion on militarization of the Arctic)
- Operation Chrome Dome and the Palomares Incident (Editor – another not naval but darned interesting)
(It’s been a year for this “month-to-month” calendar – if you see any omissions or errors please inform me, and any more modern significant dates are also welcomed. The list draws primarily from the Directory of History and Heritage’s comprehensive “Significant Dates in Canadian Military History”, the “Canada Channel”, and “Legion Magazine”.
- 1 February 1911 The first recruiting posters for the RCN are issued to post offices throughout Canada.
- 1 February 1968 The personnel and organization of the RCN, Canadian Army, and the Royal Canadian Air Force were unified into a single organization, the Canadian Forces.
- 2 February 2003 HMCS Regina joins the Canadian Naval Task Group, part of the international anti-terrorism campaign in the Persian Gulf.
- 5 February 1944 HMS Puncher, an aircraft carrier, is commissioned into the Royal Navy at Vancouver with a Canadian crew, but a British air complement.
- 6 February 6, 1943 – Italian aircraft attack and sink RCN Flower Class corvette HMCS Louisbourg east of Oran while she is escorting a convoy from Gibraltar to Bone, Algeria; 2 Officers, 35 crew, and 5 RN seaman are lost.
- 8 February 1943 HMCS Regina sinks the Italian submarine Avorio in the Mediterranean Sea.
- 11 February 1942 HMCS Spikenard is torpedoed by U136 and sunk in the North Atlantic. There were only 8 survivors and 57 perish.
- 14 February 1945 Five Motor Torpedo Boats of the Canadian 29th Flotilla burn in Ostende harbour. 26 Canadians are lost.
- 15 February 1965 The Maple Leaf becomes Canada’s official flag.
- 16 February 1945 HMCS St. John sinks the German submarine U-309 off the northeast coast of Scotland near Moray Firth.
- 18 February 1942 Newfoundlands rescue 185 from USN ships driven onto the rocks in a storm, 203 perish.
- 18 February 1944 Sixteen Canadian minesweepers, in four divisions of four ships, begin to leave St. John’s for British waters to take part in the invasion of Normandy.
- 19 February 1944 Motor Torpedo boats of the 29th and 65th (Canadian) Flotillas begin to be commissioned (continues until 31 March).
- 22 February 1943 – Operation Torch – RCN Flower Class corvette HMCS Weyburn strikes a mine laid by U-118 off the Strait of Gibraltar; the explosion kills one seaman of her crew of 77; before the ship sinks, all but two depth charges are rendered safe by throwing the detonators over the side; British destroyer HMS Wivern starts to remove the wounded and survivors when twenty minutes later an after bulkhead gives way and the corvette begins to sink; the two depth charges explode, killing 8 more sailors and wounding others in the water; Wivern’s engines and boilers are hit, leaving the ship dead in the water; 84 RCN and RN sailors are wounded in total. Gibraltar
- 22 February 1945 HMCS Trentonian is torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine U1004 near Falmouth England, six of her ship’s company were lost.
- 24 February 1944 HMCS Waskesiu sinks the German submarine U-257 in the North Atlantic.
- 27 February 1930 HMCS Thiepval is lost in Barkley Sound, British Columbia.
- 28 February 1946 HMCS Cornwallis is paid off (taken out of service) and new recruit training begins to be conducted at local naval depots.
- 28 February 1991 Operation Desert Storm, the combat phase of the Persian Gulf War ends.