NAC News – Edition FHE 400 HMCS Bras d’Or

Your weekly national and international naval news for the week of March 12th, 2021
Edition – FHE400 HMCS Bras d’Or (2nd to use the name, a Fast Hydrofoil Escort) and K400 HMCS Levis (WW2 river class Frigate) See Scuttlebutt section for videos.
Rod Hughes – Editor NAC News (comments welcome to help improve this service)
Links to keep in touch with the NAC and RCN can be found at the bottom of this email.
- Editor – A House of Commons petition e-3217 has gone forward to raise the status of those that served in Gulf War 90-91. It is well explained at the link and I encourage all NAC members to show support for our Gulf War Veterans by electronically sign the petition…and spread the word It is a simple two-step process.
- Wed, 17 March 2021 -1300 (Halifax time) – RUSI(NS) will host a Zoom presentation by Cora Pictou, Transport Canada, titled “Marine Security Operations Centre East.” Marine Security Operations Centres (MSOC) were established in 2004 to strengthen maritime security in Halifax, Esquimalt, and Niagara-on-the-Lake. The MSOC is a multi-agency approach, co-locating six federal units including Transport Canada in all centres. The presentation will focus on the Halifax operation and on Transport Canada’s role. To register (free event), email and use subject line “RUSI(NS) Distinguished Speaker 17 March 2021 Registration”. Include your name and organization in email body.
- NEW Canada’s Strategic Move: Stepping up in the Indo-Pacific A virtual presentation Tue, Mar 23, 2021 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM (Ottawa time) Registration (free) is required.
- Thursday, April 22, 2021 – 1000 – 1130 (Eastern) NEW USNI – The American Sea Power Project virtual conversation (Editor – The Project hopes to inform strategy, planning, and procurement within the Sea Services and the government and build public support for the continued role of maritime power for the United States. Register register.)
- Tuesday 15 June (1200 Ottawa time) – 2021 NAC NATIONAL AGM (Virtual) –
- Subject to confirmation from members of the National BOD, the 2021 National AGM will be held using GoToMeeting on Tuesday 15 June 20201 at 1200 (Ottawa time). More details will follow in the coming weeks.
- China Pledges to Build ‘Polar Silk Road’ Over 2021-2025
- In defence of Canadian shipbuilding
- Starshell Winter 2021 Edition 90 Just released and can be accessed using the on-line viewer or as a downloadable PDF.
- Editor – In edition 399 I incorrectly chided CNR for publishing this article CSC-NSS Delays, Cost Overruns and the Elephant in the Room. What I should have done was focus on my perceived flaws in the article. CNR is an excellent publication with first-rate editor that myself and NAC hold in high esteem. Sorry CNR, keep up the good work.
- International Women’s Day (IWD) messages from the Minister of National Defence message on International Women’s Day 2021, then Message from the Deputy Minister on International Women’s Day, and Acting Chief of the Defence Staff, LGen Wayne Eyre – International Women’s Day Message, plus RAdm Patterson – IWD 2021 (Editor – the Admiral’s impressive official Bio). Then the less formal and fun; Gale Force podcast is a special edition in honour of IWD. They will talk with Karina LeBlanc – HCapt(N) of the RCN, Head of Women’s Football – Confederation of North, Central America and Caribbean Association Football (CONCAF), UNICEF Ambassador, FIFA Legend, 2 x Olympian, Motivational Speaker, On-Air Talent and Host. Karina’s IWD 51:50 min podcast and in closing RCAF band in a fun inspirational 4:03 min video Girl On Fire” by Alicia Keys, sung by Sgt Cindy Scott.
- Acting chief of the defence staff addresses ‘beyond troubling’ culture in Canada’s military
- 1st woman named as vice-chief of the defence staff in Canadian military shakeup
- Senior naval officer was threatened after reporting McDonald allegation: sources
- Military commander in charge of human resources facing claims of inappropriate behaviour
- Standing watch on Op CARIBBE
- New helicopter trainer ready for action at DCTF Kootenay
- HMCS Canadian submarine Victoria conducts diving operations in local waters
- JSK Naval support selected by Lockheed Martin Canada to supply Torpedo Launcher System
- CPO1 Line Laurendeau: Loves the adventure of an RCN career
- Commanding officers interfered in sexual assault investigations, retired military police officer says
- VAC has adjusted the Treatment Benefits during the COVID-19 pandemic. In-person healthcare services have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. VAC has made temporary changes to our Treatment Benefits programme to ensure you receive the treatment and services you need.
- CANFORGEN 022/21 promotions and senior appointments 2021 – General and Flag Officers (Editor – numerous naval appointments, retirements, and promotions)
- Irving to reopen Halifax Shipyard after extensive COVID-19 testing
- NAC-Toronto Speaker’s Series 02Mar21 LCdr (Ret’d) Donald S. Williamson, CD (Editor – Naval Ship’s badges and heraldry are combined in this 1:14:25 hr video)
- Defence Team News | 10 March 2021 (Editor – CAF 1:25 min video. The last item on the video highlighted the fifth edition of the RCN’s virtual Navy Bike Ride now named the HARRY DEWOLF Challenge. You are invited to join the NAC’s cycling fanatics in their efforts to raise $5000 for the RCN Benevolent Fund and Support Our Troops. You can join the NAC team being organized by Barry Walker of NAC-O, or if you can’t ride, but want to support our team, please consider making a donation
- USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: March 8, 2021
- Top Officer Warns U.S. Advantage is ‘Eroding’ in the Western Pacific
- Active Ships in the US Navy (Editor – useful summary)
- F-35B aboard Italian Navy Aircraft Carrier ITS Cavour for the first time (Editor – 3:26 min video)
- Cutter Offloads 7,500 Pounds of Interdicted Cocaine, Marijuana in San Diego
- The 100,000 Ton US Navy Ship That Iran Is Copying
- Navy Sends First Littoral Combat Ship On A Cruise With Everything To Lose
- New Details of Austal’s EPF Hospital Ship Emerge
- U.S. Navy Accepts Delivery of Future USS Daniel Inouye
- Report to Congress on Navy Light Amphibious Warship
- US Navy Fleshing Out Requirements for Next-Gen Logistics Ship
- British Warship From American Revolution ‘Found’ After Nearly 250 Years
- Steel Cut on Second National Security Multi-Mission Vessel at Philly Shipyard
- Three Ships Carrying U.S. Ethanol Headed to China -Sources
- Pentagon Announces Nominees to Lead INDO-PACOM, Pacific Fleet
- Theodore Roosevelt Strike Group Destroyer Conducts Taiwan Strait Transit and China protests after US Navy’s latest transit through Taiwan Strait plus Pentagon 2020 Freedom of Navigation Report (Editor – interesting list of countries)
- PLAN deploys ships into southern hemisphere to enhance operational training at extended range
- French Navy Busts Illegal Oil Transfer During North Korea Embargo Enforcement Mission
- Indian Coast Guard seizes Sri Lankan ship for drug trafficking
- Pakistan Navy ship visits Cotonou Port of Benin
- Taiwan Aims to Sink Half of a Chinese Invasion Fleet — It Could Take Years to Buy Enough Missiles and The U.S. Delays Delivery of Harpoon Coastal Defense System to Taiwan
- Indian Navy commissions third Scorpene-class submarine INS Karanj
- China’s 2nd Type 055 Destroyer ‘Lhasa’ 拉萨 Commissioned With PLAN
- Japan’s MHI Launches ‘Mogami’ first 30FFM Frigate for JMSDF – FFM-1 (Editor – impressive frigate in this 5:52 min video) and Stealthy Hull, Star Trek Command Center and Submarine Drones Japan’s New Mogami-Class Frigates Show What the U.S. Navy’s Littoral Combat Ships Could Have Been
- China’s Upgraded 052DL Warship has Anti-stealth Radar, Longer Helicopter Deck
- RMN commissions second Keris-class Littoral Mission Ship
- India’s Fuel Cell Based AIP System Crosses Important Milestone
- HMAS Canberra work an Australian first
- South Korea’s unnecessary aircraft carrier
- INSIGHT: Celebrating female participation in the Navy — Rear Admiral Katherine Richards, head of Navy engineering (Editor – 34:49 min podcast)
- Bulk Carrier Caught Dumping Garbage in Great Barrier Reef
- USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Now in Mediterranean Sea after Strait of Gibraltar Transit
- NATO Fleet Reportedly Enters Ukrainian Port of Odessa for First Time in 2021
- NATO exercise DYNAMIC GUARD concludes in Norway
- Royal Navy Leads Task Group On Baltic Security Patrol
- Dynamic Manta 2021 exercise ends in Italy
- US Navy’s EODMU 8 participates in Exercise Poseidon 21 in Romania
- Patrol Squadron VP-46 participates in joint air and maritime operations
- Norway Suspends Rolls-Royce Asset Sale on Security Grounds
- Turkish Navy commissions 2nd ATR-72 Maritime Patrol Aircraft
- MBDA wins contract for new CAMM-ER based air defence system
- NATO Tests Maritime Security Drone
- World’s 1st ship tunnel gets green light for construction start
- Greece Delivers Food to Cattle Ship Stuck at Sea
- Oil surges after Yemen rebels strike Saudi supplies and Saudi Arabia’s Largest Oil Port Undamaged by Houthi Rebel Shelling
- Russian Black Sea fleet activity in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: implications for the Israeli navy
- Commanders of CTF-151 and CTF-465 discuss future joint operations
- French Navy frigate seizes nearly 3 tons of hashish in Arabian Sea
- Egyptian and French naval forces carry out joint drills in Red Sea
- IKE Strike Group operates with Morocco in Lightning Handshake
- OPV ‘Furor’ deploys in the West coast of Africa and the Gulf of Guinea.
- Crew of Chinese boat freed after ransom payment: Nigerian army
- 100 Companies Account for More Than Half of the “Blue Economy”
- India Set To Enter Container Manufacturing in Bid to Rival China
- As this is edition number FHE400 HMCS Bras d’Or (Fast Hydrofoil Escort) I’ve added a collection of HMCS Bras d’Or videos. I remember as a lad watching her briefly foilborne in Bedford Basin:
- Canada’s Hydrofoil | Artifacts Interview Series (Editor – interesting background in a Legion Magazine interview with Lt. (N) Jason Delaney, Naval Historian at DND Directorate of History and Heritage in a 16:51 min video)
- Canada’s Hydrofoil | Part 2 | Artifacts Interview Series (Editor – fascinating 9:33 min video interview with NAC-O member Pat Barnhouse who was part of the project team. USS High Point film footage included too)
- H.M.C.S. BRAS D’OR. (400) (Editor – rare and impressive 1:41 min video showing her accelerating and deaccelerating)
- HMCS Bras d’Or (Editor – 3:23 min video of still pics of her now ashore as a museum)
- HMCS Bras D’or (Editor – silent 3:22 min video of her at speed in the open ocean)
- Proceedings 42:11 min Podcast Episode 212: China’s Desert Storm Education 09 March 2021
- Covert Shores (Editor – info packed site about submarine topics. The submarine family tree is particularly interesting)
- HMS Victory and the Battle of Trafalgar (Editor – eclectic 46:38 min podcast)
(If you see any omissions or errors please inform me, and more modern significant dates are also welcome. The list draws primarily from the Directory of History and Heritage’s comprehensive “Significant Dates in Canadian Military History”, the now defunct “Canada Channel”, “Legion Magazine”, Roger Litwiller’s excellent website, the encyclopedic guidance of NAC member and author Fraser McKee, and anywhere else I can find credible information.)
- 1 March 1928 HMC Ships Champlain and Vancouver are commissioned into the RCN, replacing HMC Ships Patriot and Patrician.
- 3 March 1921 HMC Submarines CH-14 and CH-15 are commissioned into the RCN.
- 4 March 1943 HMC Ships Shediac commanded by Lt John E. Clayton, RCNR with St. Croix commanded by LCdr A. Hedley Dobson, DSC, RCNR sank the German submarineU-87 in the North Atlantic.
- 6 March 1944 HMC Ships St. Catharines commanded by LCDR Herbert C.R. Davis, RCNR, HMCS Chilliwack commanded by LCDR Clifton P. Coughlin, RCNVR, HMCS Gatineau commanded by LCdr Harold V.W. Groos, RCN, HMCS Fennel commanded by A/LCdr William P. Moffat, RCNVR, and HMCS Chaudière commanded by A/LCdr C. Patrick Nixon, RCN, assist Royal Naval warships in the sinking of the German submarine U-744 in the North Atlantic.
- 7 March 1945 HMC Ships La Hulloise commanded by LCdr John Brock, RCNVR, with HMCS Strathadam commanded by LCdr Howard L. Quinn, RCNVR, and HMCS Thetford Mines commanded by LCdr John A.R. Allan, DSO, RCNVR sank the German submarine U-1302 in St. George’s Channel.
- 9 March 1945 HMCS Uganda arrives in Sydney, Australia, to join the British Pacific Fleet.
- 10 March 1944 HMC Ships St. Laurent commanded by LCdr George H. Stephen, OBE, DSC, RCNR with HMCS Owen Sound commanded by A/LCdr John M. Watson, RCNR and HMCS Swansea commanded by A/CDR Clarence A. King, DSO, DSC, RCNR assisted RN warships sink the German submarine U-845 in the North Atlantic.
- 12 March 1918 Lieutenant (RCN) William McKinstry Heriot-Maitland-Dougall (RCNC 1911–1914) at age of 23 years of age was in command of HMS D3 and was killed with his submarine’s crew of 29 off Le Havre, France. HMS D3 was sunk in error by French dirigible AT-9, which could not see D3’s insignia because of the sub’s reflection off the waves and took her to be a U-boat firing upon it. The French hadn’t been informed that D3 was assigned to their waters in the English Channel and were not aware that British submarines were identifying themselves with rockets as opposed to flashing lights.
- 13 March 1943 HMCS Prescott commanded by LCdr Wilfred McIsaac, RCNVR sank U163 off Cape Finisterre, the kill was originally credited to the submarine USS Herring.
- 13 March 1944 HMCS Prince Rupert commanded by LCDR Robert W. Draney, RCNR in a combined effort of multiple allied ships and aircraft sank U575 off Cape Finisterre.
- 14 Mar 1923 Lt Frank Meade appointed C.O. of English Half Company in Montreal, the first RCNVR unit appointment; also A/Lt Alexandre Brodeur for the French Half Company, and on 15 Mar. Lt R.H. Yeates for the Hamilton Half Company. During 1923 & ’24, 11 Units had C.O.’s appointed, although it took a while to establish the actual units in some cases.
- 17 March1945 HMCS Guysborough is torpedoed and sunk by U878 off Ushant. 51 of her crew were lost.
- 19 March 1941 Lt R.J.C. Pringle, RCNVR, appointed C.O. of HMCS Suderöy V, first RCNVR officer in command of an HMC Ship, a requisitioned Norwegian trawler.
- 20 March 1943 – World War II – UK destroyer commissioned into RCN as HMCS Griffin; 3 weeks later, renamed HMCS Ottawa; second of name. Halifax, Nova Scotia
- 20 March 1945 HMCS New Glasgow commanded by LCDR Ross M. Hanbury, RCNVR was rammed by accident by U-1003 while snorkelling. The boat severely damaged her snort and conning tower, and part of New Glasgow’s hull plating and her port propeller. U-1003 limped seaward, but by the next morning of 21March had to abandoned and the crew took to the life rafts, where they were found the next day.
- 23 March 1965 Fifteen RCAF aviators are killed when their Argus patrol plane goes down in a night exercise off Puerto Rico.
- 24 March 1941 The Rush-Bagot Agreement of 1817, which restricted the number of naval vessels allowed on the Great Lakes, is modified to allow both American and Canadian naval vessels to operate on the Great Lakes in greater numbers.
- 26 March 1941 RCN armed yacht HMCS Otter off Halifax was destroyed by an accidental explosion and fire; two Officers and 17 men lost.
- 29 March 1945 HMCS TEME (frigate) is torpedoed by U Boat 246 in the English Channel off Falmouth and declared a total loss.
- 31 March 1945 HMCS Conestoga, the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service training establishment, is paid off.
- 31 March 1991 The Gulf War between Iraq and the United Nations coalition ends.
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