NAC News – Edition 457

Your weekly national and international naval news for the week of April 15th, 2022
Edition 457 “In 1946 it was announced that the establishment of permanent personnel in the three armed services would be set at 51,000 officers and men. Of these numbers 25,000 were allocated to the Army and 10,000 and 16,000 were allocated to the Navy and Air Force. These establishments did not, however, remain fixed at these figures, but were adjusted upwards to meet the requirements of Canada’s increased obligations towards her allies. In 1952 the target for the three services was set at 100,000, of which the Army accounted for 55,000.” Canada’s Soldiers 1604-1954 The Military History of An Unmilitary People, pg. 360, George F.G. Stanley, 1954
Rod Hughes – Editor NAC News (Comments welcome to help improve this service.)
Links to keep in touch with the NAC and RCN can be found at the bottom of this email. Contact David Soule if you wish someone to be added to the NAC News email distribution. (Influencer or good candidates to become a NAC member, and note the first year’s NAC & Branch membership dues are waived)
17-19 May 2022 Niagara Falls, ON. Mari-Tech 2022 Conference and Exhibition titled Industrial Revolution Making Wave. Mari-Tech was created by the Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering (CIMarE) in 1976 and is the premier event for the marine engineering community in Canada. Held annually, Mari-Tech is hosted in turn by each of the CIMarE’s seven branches; the 2022 event is Co-Hosted by CIMarE Great Lake Branch and SNAME Great Lakes/Great Rivers Section. The conference has earned a respected position as a neutral, non-political event devoted to engaging the private sector, government, and academia. Connect with hundreds of leading professionals from across the world, including Industry leaders, Government policymakers, Innovators, consulting firms, Academics, Communications and government relations professions, and young professionals and the next generation of marine engineers.
15 June 2022 at 1200 (Ottawa time) – NAC National AGM via GoToMeeting. Details to follow mid-April.
14-16 November 2022 The MSC organisers have decided given the ongoing COVID-19 environment to postpone MSC22 which was originally scheduled for March 2022. The team announced that the in-person MSC22 will now take place in Victoria, BC. The draft program for this November’s MSC22 is now posted on the MSC website and is available on the MSC social media channels.
Budget 2022: Minister Freeland’s four pillars
Russian Navy Confirms Severe Damage to Black Sea Cruiser Moskva, Crew Abandoned Ship and Russian warship Moskva: What do we know? then! Russian warship Moskva has sunk – defence ministry and unclas details of the missiles, if indeed it was missiles, that started the fire R-360 Neptune: a cruise missile which burnt Moskva
France deploys three Triomphant-class ballistic missile submarines for maritime patrols
HMCS Yellowknife interdicts go-fast – seizes and destroys 800kgs of illicit drugs
Canada’s marine industry faces a looming labour crisis, says recently released report and
Defence department dismisses former navy commander from civilian role after review
Military bans use of its letterhead in court character references for soldiers convicted of crime
Davie shipyard workers approve long-term agreement
Juno Beach housing development must halt and Veterans Affairs minister vows to help find resolution to Juno Beach condo dispute
The Royal Canadian Legion responds: 2022 federal budget
Cruise ships return to B.C., with tourist dollars and environmental concerns in tow
‘A perfect opportunity’: Canadian scientists back at sea on U.S. research vessel
Navy Bike Ride 2022 (Editor – This virtual edition is open to all ages and abilities from across Canada, as well as sailors, soldiers and aviators deployed around the globe. Registration is open for this free event, which will run from 12 June – 7 August. If you’re keen, the “Naval Association of Canada” Bike Team is reforming under Barry Walker’s direction. All events are available at early bird rates until midnight 30 April 2022)
USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: April 11, 2022
2021 U.S. Navy Board of Inspection and Survey Annual Report (Surprisingly concise report…I wonder what other nations openly publish such insight into their Navy)
More Caribbean Drug Busts for HNLMS Friesland
US Navy And USMC Demonstrate ‘Lightning Carrier’ Concept
USS Gerald R Ford Loads Over Half a Million Tons (!!) of Ammo
General Atomics EMALS at Sea Air Space 2022: CVN 78 and French PANG Aircraft Carrier Programs (Editor – 6:51 min video) and Sea Air Space 2022 – Day 3: HII, EPF Flight II and new ESB variants (Editor – some wow items in a 20:43 min video)
Bollinger Shipyards wins big with MCM USV production contract
Destroyer Frank E. Petersen Jr. Sailed Away From Ingalls Shipbuilding
Laser Trailblazer: Navy Conducts Historic Test of New Laser Weapon System
Frogmen Solve Hard Problems—From and on the Sea
General Dynamics Bath Iron Works Lays Keel of future USS Patrick Gallagher (DDG 127)
Report to Congress on Navy Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense
GAO Report on Navy Shipbuilding Oversight (Editor – a wakeup call)
India Considering Repairing U.S. Military Sealift Ships Following 2+2 Dialogue
Navy offers at least $25,000 to recruits who ship before June
Navy COVID-19 Separations Pass 800 as Service Pushes Toward Fully Vaxxed Operational Force
Historic WWII Destroyer USS The Sullivans Sinks At Pier
Photos: Containers Start Coming Off Ever Forward
Austal envisions smaller, more agile hospital ships to replace Navy legends
Polar Star Returns to U.S. After Antarctic Deployment to Begin Refit
Japan Countering China’s Naval Build-up with Modern Fleet
U.S. aircraft carrier deploys off Korean peninsula amid tensions with North and VIDEO: Lincoln Carrier Strike Group, Japanese Warships Drill Near Korean Peninsula
China gathers most powerful destroyers as US carrier group holds exercise off Korean peninsula
Indian Navy pilots & operators complete training in US for induction of deadly MH-60 ‘Romeo’ helicopters USS Annapolis Makes Fifth Submarine Homeported in Guam
Russian Kilo-class submarine fires Kalibr missile in the Pacific
Taiwan to consider purchasing decommissioned US littoral combat ships yet Document reveals $14 billion backlog of US defense transfers to Taiwan
Hunter-class frigates won’t meet the RAN’s needs (Editor – and the debate goes on)
Boeing’s F/A-18 Super Hornet to begin tests for Indian aircraft carrier
Navy to get variants of indigenous helicopters
CIMSEC: Russian naval strategy for the Indo-Pacific
CSIS: Foreign Shipbuilding Orders Subsidize the PLA Navy’s Fleet
Taiwan’s New Domestic Frigate Project Hits Roadblock
477 Bulkers Are Stuck Waiting To Enter China
Containers Pile Up At China Ports As Lockdown Blocks Trucks and Covid Testing in South China Could Bring More Export Limitations
How many have really died in Russia’s Ukraine war?
Donbas: Why Russia is trying to encircle Ukraine’s east (Editor – not a naval item but good for perspective)
Ukrainian Forces Still Hold Mariupol as Russians Close In and Ukraine Accuses Russians of Taking Crews from Ships Stuck in Mariupol
United Kingdom will supply Harpoon anti-ship missiles to Ukraine
Russian Navy Taking on Resupply Role Nearly 50 Days Into Ukrainian Invasion
CIMSEC: An anti-access denial strategy for Ukraine (Editor – useful map)
Russian & Ukrainian Drones Over NATO Territory (Editor – not a naval item but a strange and interesting story being told in a 10:07 min video)
Russian frigate Admiral Essen destroys Ukrainian Bayraktar TB2 UAV
Russia’s Most Powerful Warship In The Black Sea Is Operating In A Pattern
Turkish freighter on fire after Russian Navy shelling in Azov sea: mysterious thriller
Black Sea Ship Insurance Rates Continue To Rise Alongside Dangers To Commercial Shipping
Europe General:
NATO membership decision draws closer as Finnish and Swedish leaders meet then Russia warns of nuclear, hypersonic deployment if Sweden and Finland join NATO
HMS Prince of Wales visits volcanic island in the Arctic Ocean
French Navy releases video about the future aircraft carrier PA-Ng
U.S. amphibious combat group deploys to the high north amid high tensions
NATO ships scheduled to conduct training in the Baltic Sea
Turkish TAI Aksungur Fired MAM-L Guided Bomb Against Seabrone Target
Finnish Navy Hamina-class Fast Missile Boats Take Part in Exercise Marinens Vårövning 2022
Russia’s Project 20380 corvette Rezkiy kicks off sea trials
CIMSEC: Reconsidering Russian maritime warfare
Armed Forces chief welcomes new naval officers during Easter passing out parade
HENSOLDT And Thales Join Forces To Equip F126 Frigates
First Look At Poland’s New Miecznik Frigate
Royal Navy Tests Shore-to-Ship Heavy Cargo Drones
Royal Navy history as first female captain takes command of ship
Costs to Ship Russian Oil Rise as Daily Rates Near $350,000
Thieves Steal $325,000 Worth of Diesel From Royal Navy’s Main Base
10 Cruise Ship Passengers Arrested in Valencia for Cocaine Smuggling
New Task Force 153 to Patrol Red Sea, Bab al-Mandeb Strait, Gulf of Aden
China send frigate Yueyang to escort it’s fishing vessels in Gulf of Aden
Leonardo delivers Qatar’s first two NH90 NFH helicopters
Leonardo Delivers Final Upgraded Fast Attack Craft to Bahrain
“Longest Subsea Cable Ever Deployed”: 2Africa Cable Lands in Genoa (Editor – wow, a big deal for Africa in particular)
US, Cabo Verde authorities interdict large cocaine shipment (Editor – Cabo Verde)
First EU NavFor drug bust (Editor – EU Naval Force – Somalia: Operation Atalanta)
Nigerian Navy, EU to strengthen cooperation on maritime security
Gulf of Guinea piracy down and Gulf of Guinea Crew Kidnappings Fall to Zero So Far in 2022, But Caution Urged
HMCS Bonaventure’s Sidewinder-Armed Fighter Wing; The Story of the McDonnell F2H-3 Banshee (Editor – 9:54 min video and then a 14:13 min training video) 1953 U.S. Navy pilot training film “the F2H-2 Banshee aircraft system” early navy jet plane 81494
The Search for the Northwest Passage (Editor – The Mariner’s Mirror 36 min podcast)
Falklands Conflict at Sea | How the British Task Force took control of the South Atlantic (Editor – 16:49 min video) and The Falklands War – day by day and blow by blow
Charlie SSGN Sub Brief (Editor – 1:09:17 hr video)
- 16 April 1945 German U-Boat U-190 torpedoes and sank the Bangor Class minesweeper HMCS Esquimalt 5 miles off Chebucto Head near the Halifax lightship; 44 of her ship’s company are lost in the last major naval loss of the War; U-190 will surrender May 11; will be sunk ceremonially on October 21, 1947 where she had destroyed the Esquimalt.
- 20 April 1942 In late 1941, the SS Vineland was pressed into wartime service to transport bauxite from St Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands to Portland, Maine. (Bauxite would then be transported by rail to aluminum smelters, including to the Alcan smelter in Arvida, Quebec.) The Vineland’s first delivery of bauxite to Portland occurred on 27 March 1942. On 12 April 1942, the SS Vineland departed Portland, Maine with no cargo and was in ballast. She was southbound for St Thomas. On 20 April, at about 2 pm local time, while steaming at 11 knots on a southeasterly course towards St Thomas, the unescorted Vineland was hit aft by a G7e torpedo from U-154. One minute later, a G7a surface runner torpedo missed the ship. A third torpedo then slammed into the engine room causing the stern section to break off. The forward section remained afloat and sank after being hit by a few rounds from the deck gun. The location of the sinking 77 nautical miles north of the Turks and Caicos Islands and 515 nautical miles northwest of St. Thomas. The master and 33 survivors abandoned ship in two lifeboats. They reached Turks Island after four days and they were towed in by a fishing boat. The lone casualty was 19-year-old engine room Oiler James Lawrence Hanson who had joined the Merchant Marine (and the SS Vineland) just 12 days earlier.
- 22 April 1943 – The cargo liner MV Amerika (a straggler from eastbound convoy HX-234) was sunk at 01:54 on 22 April 1943 by U-306, about 145 nautical miles south of Greenland. Fifty-three Royal Canadian Air Force personnel were the only passengers embarked during this eastbound crossing of the North Atlantic. Thirty-seven of the RCAF passengers were killed. Forty-two crew members and seven DEMS gunners were also lost. The master, twenty-nine crew members, eight gunners and the 16 RCAF survivors were rescued by HMS Asphodel and landed at Greenock, Scotland.
- 22 April 1944 HMCS Swansea commanded by A/Cdr Clarence A. King, DSO, DSC, RCNR with HMCS Matane commanded by A/Cdr A. Frank C. Layard, DSO, RN using depth charges sink U311 south of Iceland. Cdr Kings third submarine in 7 weeks.
SIGNIFICANT RCN DATES – If you see any omissions or errors please inform me, and any more modern significant dates are also welcomed. The list draws primarily from the Directory of History and Heritage’s comprehensive “Significant Dates in Canadian Military History”, the now defunct “Canada Channel”, “Legion Magazine”, The Naval Service of Canada, Its Official History Vol 1-3, NAC member Roger Litwiller’s excellent web site, encyclopedic guidance from NAC member Fraser McKee, the site, and anywhere else I can find credible information. For the merchant ship history, I thank NAC member Bill Dziadyk for his able assistance and detailed work. A comprehensive list of the staggering merchant losses – sunk, damaged, or lost – Canadian Merchant Ship Losses of the Second World War, 1939-1945 by Rob Fisher {Revised June 2001}, and for the loss of individual personnel RCN Ship Histories, Convoy Escort Movements, Casualty Lists 1939-1947)
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