naval affairs

NAC News – Edition 456

NAC News – Edition 456

Your weekly national and international naval news for the week of April 8th, 2022

Edition 456  “President Xi Jinping has a choice to make: Distance himself from Putin and help end the war, or side with Moscow and sharpen confrontation with NATO allies and a host of other nations.”  23 March 2022, Daniel S. Hamilton and Hans Binnendijk, Politico

Rod Hughes – Editor NAC News  (Comments welcome to help improve this service.)

Links to keep in touch with the NAC and RCN can be found at the bottom of this email.  Contact David Soule if you wish someone to be added to the NAC News email distribution. (Influencer or good candidates to become a NAC member, and note the first year’s NAC & Branch membership dues are waived)


NEW  17-19 May 2022 Niagara Falls, ON.  Mari-Tech 2022 Conference and Exhibition titled Industrial Revolution Making Waves.  Mari-Tech was created by the Canadian Institute of Marine Engineering (CIMarE) in 1976 and is the premier event for the marine engineering community in Canada. Held annually, Mari-Tech is hosted in turn by each of the CIMarE’s seven branches; the 2022 event is Co-Hosed by CIMarE Great Lake Branch and SNAME Great Lakes/Great Rivers Section.

NEW 15 June 2022 at 1200 (Ottawa time) – NAC National AGM via GoToMeeting. Details to follow mid-April

14-16 November 2022 Originally scheduled for March 2022., this event will be held in-person in Victoria, BC.  The draft program for this November’s MSC22 is now posted on the MSC website and is available on other MSC social media channels.



Canadian Forces in desperate need of new spending, procurement follow-through, experts say and incongruently Announcing a major boost to defence spending, Freeland delivers a wartime speech and Three ways to improve defence procurement in Canada



NATO Day 2022 (Editor – A 35 sec PR video marking the 73rd anniversary of NATO on 4 April.  Since its foundation in 1949 NATO has guaranteed the security and safety of Allied citizens in Europe and North America.  Today, the Alliance includes 30 countries and one billion people)

HMCS Halifax departs to join Operation Reassurance

Defence Team News | 6 April 2022 (Editor – great interview of Lt (RCN) Michael Zens, XO of HMCS Saskatoon currently deployed for Op Caribe: a 3:15 min video.  Well done XO!)

More cost overruns, delays coming for new navy, coast guard fleets

Why Canada Has Chosen The F-35 (Editor – just for awareness 12:15 min video) and opinion Peter MacKay: Liberal foot-dragging on F35s has cost us dearly

Navy training system accommodates students with learning disabilities

Canadian Forces rescinds appointment of high-ranking military police officer sanctioned for sexual comments

Canada to Approve Equinor’s $12 Billion Bay du Nord Offshore Oil Project

MACKAY: Manitoba could become Europe’s not-so-secret weapon against Russia

PSA Singapore Becomes Sole Container Terminal Operator at Halifax

Investments in ports are investments into the future of Canada

Strong demand drives container growth at Vancouver

Google deploying undersea cable to link B.C. and Japan for faster Gmail, YouTube

Navy Bike Ride 2022  (Editor – This virtual edition is open to all ages and abilities from across Canada, as well as sailors, soldiers and aviators deployed around the globe.  Registration is open for this free event, which will run from 12 June – 7 August.  If you’re keen, the “Naval Association of Canada” Bike Team is reforming under Barry Walker’s direction.  All events are available at early bird rates until midnight 30 April 2022)



USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: April 4, 2022

Early Days in the Sea Services Helped Focus Their Careers, Women Leaders Say

HII Lays Keel of Future Aircraft Carrier USS Enterprise

Head of Ingalls Shipyard Stresses Investment in Workforce (Editor – much more to a Navy than sailors and ships at sea)

US Navy’s aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford completes flight deck certification

Marines Load Record 16 F-35Bs Aboard USS Tripoli Test of ‘Lightning Carrier’ Concept

Biden Nominates Adm. Linda Fagan to Head Coast Guard, First Woman to Lead Armed Service

Navy on Track to Deploy MQ-25A Carrier Tanker in 2026 on USS Theodore Roosevelt

US Navy to Upgrade All Surface Ships with SPY-6 Radar in $3B Program

USS Milwaukee Returns Home After 4th Fleet Deployment

Sea Air Space 2022 – Day 1: Constellation-class frigate and new naval weapon systems (Editor – 11:59 min video)

plus iXblue at Sea Air Space 2022 (Editor – 3:07 min video)

and Sea Air Space 2022 – Day 2: Unmanned Systems (Editor – 8:36 min video)

and MQ-25 Stingray UAS program update with RADM Corey (Editor – 6:25 min video)

Two Years Late, USS Delaware Receives a High-Profile Commissioning

Marine Corps nearing initial operational capability for CH-53K heavy lift helicopter (Editor – latest version, impressive Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion)

Navy to swap sonar on new frigate following years of struggles with testing

Huntington Ingalls Launches National Security Cutter Calhoun (WMSL 759)

More F-35s, Spare Parts Included in Navy’s $4B Unfunded Priorities List

Navy Picks HII’s Remus 300 for Lionfish Underwater Drone Program

Crowley to Operate Ice-Class Tanker for Military Sealift Command

Navy Relieves Naval Supply Systems Command Fleet Logistics Center Pearl Harbor CO Over Red Hill Leak

Navy COVID-19 Vaccine Separations Continue, Except for Those With Religious Exemption Requests

In a Change of Plan, Salvors Will Lighter Cargo Off of Ever Forward

Panama Canal Proposes New Toll System, Raising Transit Costs



South Korea wants US strategic weapons on its soil

Navy of Japan begins conversion of JS Kaga to second aircraft carrier

In signing deal with China, Solomon Islands has broken the trust of its Pacific neighbours

Cancelled French submarine program could cost taxpayers more than $5 billion

$4.3bn for WA large vessel dry berth

Australia Approves $3.5 Billion Missile Procurement

CIMSEC: Sea Control 333 – Crimario: France, the EU and the Indo-pacific (Editor – Marianne Peron-Doise joins host, editor and producer Alexia Bouallagui to discuss the Crimario Project and France’s role in the Indo-Pacific during a 25:08 min podcast)

Navantia Australia proposes AWD boost for RAN

Japan Coast Guard selects MQ-9B SeaGuardian UAV

LIG Nex1 Awarded Contract to Develop Next-generation Variant of Blue Shark Torpedo

Shanghai Covid lockdown extended to entire city and Supply Chain Chaos Continues as Shanghai Lockdown is Extended Indefinitely

Tonga eruption: Robot boat to map explosive volcano’s aftermath (Editor – amazing before and after pics)




Russia suffered significant losses in Ukraine, this is ‘huge tragedy’ — Kremlin spokesman (Editor – Russian acknowledgment of 1,351 killed)

Two Azov battalion commanders responsible for abuse of POWs identified (Editor – Note a TASS article…with the tit for tat war heating up)

Cargo Ship Sunk by Russian Shelling at Port of Mariupol

Russian frigate Admiral Essen possibly hit by Ukrainian Neptune missile

Ukraine Asks US Navy For Anti-Ship Missiles

Why the Russian military is bogged down by logistics in Ukraine (Editor – not a maritime article, but one that is pertinent as it explains Russia’s failures in the Ukraine)

A Russian Attack on Odessa Could be Naval Suicide (Editor – useful summary that is narrated [6:22 min] if you’d like)

UK MoD: Mines in Black Sea are “Almost Certainly” of Russian Origin then Turkey Says Mine Detected Along Its Black Sea Coast

Marine Fuel Suppliers Stop Serving Russian Ships in the Med -Sources

EU targets Russian coal and ships in new sanctions

Faced With Sanctions and Scorn, Some Russian Ships are Flagging Out

Lloyd’s Joint War Committee Adds All Russian Waters to its Risk List

Europe General:

NATO Ships Complete Exercise Cold Response

EU bans Russian vessels from ports, ‘edges closer’ to banning Russian oil imports

New US Navy and Marine task force gives military a boost in the Mediterranean

Britain looking to spend $368.53m for Tomahawk missile support

Upgrading the Royal Navy’s Type 45 Destroyers

Netherlands to Extend the Life of Walrus Class Submarines

MEET!! UK Navy HMS Agamemnon the sixth Astute class submarine under construction (Editor – informative 8:11 min video)

Cocaine worth £302m found in Southampton is ‘largest in UK’

How the $120 Billion Global Grain Trade Is Being Redrawn by Russia’s War in Ukraine but Russia Is Shipping Wheat At ‘Rapid’ Clip In the Midst of War

Bornholm to become green fuel hub for 60,000 ships (Editor – during the Cold War this strategically placed Swedish island used to be off limits to everyone.)



Rear Admiral Jacques Fayard, ALINDIEN, at DIMDEX 2022 (Editor – 6:29 min video)

Bahrain commissions ex-US patrol ships



Canadian naval vessels in West Africa

Chinese Navy ship seen at African base

First Piracy Boarding in Months Reported in Gulf of Guinea then Italian Frigate Intervened to Protect Crew on Bulker from Pirates

The Nautical Institute celebrates 50th Anniversary



The Naval Service of Canada 1910-2010 (Editor – if you haven’t seen them before, here is a wonderful collection of scholarly summaries of the RCN’s history.  The contributors are impressive to say the least)

Historic WW2 Seafire fighter plane returns to the skies (Editor – for the naval aviators a  3:29 min video included)

A Failure in the Falklands (Editor – sinking of Atlantic Conveyor)

Why Global Supply Chains May Never Be the Same | A WSJ Documentary (Editor – not solely a maritime story but one with global impact explained in a 54:43 min video)

Battleship NJ Recalled for Service! (Editor – 10:24 min video)

HMCS Haida In a Class of Her Own – National Historic Site (Parks Canada) (Editor – 5:39 min video)

Naval History Magazine Presents: Cuban Missile Crisis (Editor – useful summary in a 12:21 min video)


10 April 1836  Hudson’s Bay Company steamship Beaver arrives at Fort Vancouver and has her boilers and paddles connected; left London August 29, 1835 under the command of Captain David Home under sail alone; rounded Cape Horn and called at Juan Fernandez and Honolulu on route; SS Beaver will be used to service trading posts between the Columbia River and Russian America (Alaska); 1862 chartered by the Royal Navy to survey and chart the coast of the Colony of British Columbia. Portland, Oregon

11 April 1940  Burrard shipyards begin building corvettes and minesweepers for action in the Battle of the Atlantic.  Together with the neighbouring North Van Ship Repair yard, and the Yarrows Ltd. yard in Esquimalt, which were eventually absorbed, Burrard built over 450 ships, including many warships built and refitted for the RN and RCN in the First and Second World Wars. Vancouver, BC

11 April 1962  The Government of Canada announces plans to build eight frigates and buy three submarines.

14 April 1828  The 18-gun sloop Acorn missing presumed foundered off Halifax with the loss of 115 men.

14 April 1944  HMCS Swansea commanded by A/Cdr Clarence A. King, DSO, DSC, RCNR with HMS Pelican combined to sink the German submarine U-448 in the North Atlantic.  Swansea’s second kill in less than six weeks.

15 April 1814  Kingston Navy Dockyard launches two warships, the Prince Regent and the Princess Charlotte; under Commodore Sir James Yeo, they will blockade the American fleet in Sackett’s Harbour and capture Oswego, restoring Canadian control of Lake Ontario in the War of 1812 and ending the threat of US invasion. Kingston, Ontario

SIGNIFICANT RCN DATES SOURCES – If you see any omissions or errors please inform me, and any more modern significant dates are also welcomed.  The list draws primarily from the Directory of History and Heritage’s comprehensive “Significant Dates in Canadian Military History”, the now defunct “Canada Channel”, “Legion Magazine”, The Naval Service of Canada, Its Official History Vol 1-3, NAC member Roger Litwiller’s excellent web site, encyclopedic guidance from NAC member Fraser McKee, the site, and anywhere else I can find credible information.  For the merchant ship history, I thank NAC member Bill Dziadyk for his able assistance and detailed work.  A comprehensive list of the staggering merchant losses – sunk, damaged, or lost – Canadian Merchant Ship Losses of the Second World War, 1939-1945 by Rob Fisher {Revised June 2001}, and for the loss of individual personnel RCN Ship Histories, Convoy Escort Movements, Casualty Lists 1939-1947)

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