NAC News – Edition 445

Your weekly national and international naval news for the week of January 21st, 2022
Edition 445 “The difficulties and dangers which lie in unpreparedness for war, given the type of world in which we have had to live, are apparent enough throughout. It is not always recognized, however, that of all forms of defence, naval defence is the most difficult to improve rapidly.’ The Naval Service of Canada, Its Official History Vol 1, Origins and Early Years. pg 254. Gilbert Norman Tucker, PH.D. Director of Naval History Section 1952
Rod Hughes- Editor NAC News (Comments welcome to help improve this service.)
Links to keep in touch with the NAC and RCN can be found at the bottom of this email.
26 January 2022 1300-1500 (Halifax time) RUSI(NS) and NORAD & USNORTHCOM hosting of Distinguished Speakers Commander Corey Gleason, CO, HMCS Harry DeWolf, and Captain Al McCabe, USCG 17th District, to speak to RUSI(NS) and guests with “Arctic Maritime Security: US Coast Guard and Canadian Navy Operations. There is no fee to attend this event. To register email by close-of-business Sunday, 23 January. In the subject line for your registration email, put: RUSI(NS) Distinguished Speakers 26 January 2022 Registration. In addition to your name, please provide your organization (association, company, or unit). The event will be done by Zoom. Instructions will be emailed to registrants by end Monday, 24 January.
2 Feb 2022 0900am -1500pm Ottawa time. CCG’s Industry Day on Maritime Cybersecurity from Ship to Shore. The Canadian Coast Guard’s Industry Day on Maritime Cybersecurity brings together stakeholders from critical infrastructure, industry, and government from Canada and around the world, and provides meaningful conversations on collaboration about what industry, government and academia are doing to protect their physical and cyber infrastructure.
UPDATED 24-25 February 2022 Vanguard Ship Tech Forum 2022 – A virtual Defence Event. 0800-1700 Ottawa time. Keynote Speakers: Deputy Commissioner Andy Smith, for Shipbuilding and Materiel of the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG); and, RAdm (RCN) C.P. Donovan, CD – Director General Future Ship Capability. To register.
28 April 2022 – Initial planning has commenced for a BOA Gala Dinner in 2022. This will be the first BOA dinner since 2018 and as in the past, the NAC will honour Canada’s Naval Veterans with a special evening at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa. To their great credit, the Ottawa Branch will undertake yet again the BOA dinner on behalf of NAC National to raise funds for our Naval Affairs programme to support the RCN. Subject to COVID restrictions, the Dinner will be held on the evening of 28 April 2022, the Thursday before Battle of the Atlantic Sunday. Mark your calendars and details to unfold.
The MSC organisers have decided given the ongoing COVID-19 environment to postpone MSC22 which was originally scheduled for March 2022. The team is pleased to announce that the in-person MSC22 will now take place on 14-16 November 2022 in Victoria, BC. The draft program for this November’s MSC22 is now posted on the MSC website and is available on the MSC social media channels.
Trudeau promises to support Ukraine as Canadian warship departs for Black Sea and Morning Brief: Canada to extend Ukraine mission the details Operation UNIFIER
In a dangerous world, Canada is unprepared on every front. It needs to come to its own defence and John Ivison: Canada’s neglected military reaching point of being ‘irrelevant’
Military launches formal proceedings against more than 900 unvaccinated troops and Vaccine Updates and Steps Announced
As invasion threat looms, Ukraine asks for weapons — and Canada makes evacuation plans and Russia is looking for a pretext to invade Ukraine, Trudeau says
Coast Guard retiring key ocean science vessel, replacement delayed yet again
HMCS Harry DeWolf reservists help intercept smuggling vessel (Editor – RCN article highlighting first-rate Naval Reservists’ work)
Canadian Coast Guard begins annual icebreaking season on Great Lakes
Defence Team News | 19 January 2022 (Editor : 2:18 min video discussing 26 Jan Bell Let’s Talk 2022: Join the Defence Team conversation about mental health
Saying goodbye to the Buffalo and the project… Fixed-wing search and rescue aircraft replacement
Contract awarded to begin design work for Land-Based Testing Facility in Nova Scotia
Matt Gurney: Canada’s bid to replace WWII-era pistols a case study in government incompetence
The Sailor statue carries on legacy of retired navy veterans, after group disbands (Editor – a sad departure of the Atlantic Chiefs and Petty Officers Association, but a huge BZ to them all for their many efforts over the years, and for the first-rate statue!)
Editor – The NAC series of NIOBE papers provides in-depth looks at topics of interest. Visit our website to find them all.
USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Jan. 18, 2022
U.S. Navy’s Constellation-Class: New Frigate to Start Construction This Year
Navy, Lockheed Haven’t Reached Cost Deal on LCS Combining Gear
Schultz: U.S. Coast Guard in ‘Prolific’ Shipbuilding Period
How BGM-109 Tomahawk Cruiser Missile Find Its Target (Editor – 9:11 min video)
Course Correction for DDG 1000, Navy Will Replace Main Battery for Guided Missile Destroyer
Evolution of Aegis Weapon System could underpin joint all-domain operations
New US destroyer design looks a lot like China’s Type 055
F-35B Lightning II fighter has landed on USS Tripoli for first time
USS Milwaukee confiscates more than $20 million in suspected cocaine
USS Kitty Hawk headed for the scrapyard
Ecuador Expands Galapagos Islands Marine Protected Area
Port of Boston Welcomes ‘Biggest Ship’ After $850 Million Modernization Project
Tsunami observed in American Samoa after Tonga volcano erupts then Pacific volcano: Ash-covered Tonga is like a moonscape say residents and Tonga tsunami: Communications ‘may be down for two weeks’ plus New Zealand, Australian Navies Deploy for Tongan Disaster Relief
China Claims It Won’t ‘Bully’ Neighbors In The South China Sea yet China says it warned away U.S. warship in South China Sea, U.S. denies
Eye on China, Indonesia launches naval spending spree
The real deal behind selling Brahmos to the Philippines ramjet background Ramjet engines, How do they work? (Editor – 7:46 min video)
Indian Naval Ships Conduct Maritime Partnership Exercise with Japanese Navy
Carrier USS Carl Vinson, Essex Amphibious Ready Group Drill in the South China Sea and More than Two Dozen Naval F-35s Now Underway in the Western Pacific
One of US Navy’s most powerful ballistic-missile submarines makes rare port call
Nuclear-powered submarines for Australia: what are the options?
Indian ship-building on the wane but Indian aircraft carrier INS Vikrant successfully completes third sea trials
Coast Guard Cutters Begin Operation Aiga in Oceania
Austal launches 15th Guardian-class patrol boat Te Kukupa II for Australia
Chinese Type 726 Landing Craft Air Cushion conduct beach landing training
How Australia Is Crashing the World Economy And Taking Down China (Editor – a bit dated, but given the Indonesian coal reductions…a 12:38 min video)
South Korea’s Plans For A Naval Special Warfare Support Ship
A Look Inside Taiwan’s Brutal ARP Navy Frogman Program
Taiwan Navy establishes first minelaying squadrons
Singapore ranked world’s leading maritime city
Over 50% of Asia armed robbery against ships in Singapore Straits
Indonesia Allows 37 Ships to Leave as Coal Export Ban Eased
South Korea: 23 shipping companies fined $81M for price fixing
Cyberattack hits Ukraine as U.S. warns Russia preparing ‘pretext for invasion’
Former NATO Head Scaparrotti: China, Iran Watching U.S. Response to Ukraine Tensions Closely
Russia to Hold Major Naval Drills Involving Entire Fleet
Navy Sends A Message By Publicizing Guided Missile Submarine’s Mediterranean Presence
Russian amphibious assault flotilla to transit English Channel (Editor – transferring to the Black Sea?) and Russian Shipyard Hopes For More LST Orders
US, French and Italian Navies to Conduct Tri Carrier Operations
Spain to send two warships in Black Sea amid Ukraine crisis
Finnish shipbuilders contract powerful icebreaker for Russian Arctic and Russia’s grand Arctic plan might get stuck in the ice
Russian Navy Developing Unmanned Submarine Hunter
Channel migrants: Armed forces set to take over English Channel operations and Warning Navy will become ‘taxi service’ for migrants under ‘Operation Dog’s Dinner’
Spanish Navy’s first S-80 submarine a step closer to entering service
Royal Navy’s ‘first – but definitely not last’ female admiral takes command
Bulgaria wants to buy two submarines for its fleet
UK purchases ‘VideoRay Defender’ Remotely Operated Vehicles
Iran seeks to grow naval power as it prioritizes asymmetric warfare
Russia, Iran, China to hold joint naval maneuvers
Task Force 150 holds change of command
Israel’s Submarine Secret: New Dolphin-IIs Could Have VLS and ThyssenKrupp wins $3 billion contract for future Israeli submarines
Auvergne takes operational break in Beirut
US 5th Fleet commander: ‘Dramatic uptick’ in Iran’s drone use
U.S. 5th Fleet Set to Expand Unmanned Ship Operations in Middle East
Cooper: LCS Deploying to U.S. 5th Fleet in 2022
Kuwait, One Of The World’s Wealthiest Oil Exporters Is Becoming Unlivable
Spotted: 24,000 TEU Ever Alp transits Suez Canal on its maiden voyage and Suez Canal Expansion Due to Complete in July 2021
Chinese Type 052D destroyer Hohhot on road for the Gulf of Aden
In pictures: Royal Navy icebreaker completes first Antarctic mission of the seasonm and A68: ‘Megaberg’ dumped huge volume of fresh water
French Navy ship Champlain arrives in port of Durban
Nigerian Navy commissions Seaward Defence Boat NNS Oji
Plastic crisis needs binding treaty, report says
Editor – *Correction* Historica Canada and The Memory Project recognized an error in their video posted Thursday 13 January, wherein they said the Wrens were absorbed by the reserve forces, when in fact they were absorbed by the regular forces. An updated version Submarine Hunters: Canada and the Cuban Missile Crisis)
The Secret Submarine with Tiny Little Ski Legs (Editor – 9:28 min video)
The Mariner’s Mirror Podcast – The Titanic (Editor – 46:19 min podcast and a 5:15 min a new and unique video included)
Loss of the USS Arizona – Examining the Evidence (Editor – 58:33 min video)
If you see any omissions or errors please inform me, and any more modern significant dates are also welcomed. The list draws primarily from the Directory of History and Heritage’s comprehensive “Significant Dates in Canadian Military History”, the now defunct “Canada Channel”, “Legion Magazine”, The Naval Service of Canada, Its Official History Vol 1-3, and Roger Litwiller’s excellent web site, encyclopedic guidance from Fraser McKee, the site, and anywhere else I can find credible information. For a comprehensive list of the staggering merchant losses – sunk, damaged, or lost – here is an excellent web page: Canadian Merchant Ship Losses of the Second World War, 1939-1945 by Rob Fisher {Revised June 2001})
- 1 January 1907 Military – British Admiralty provisionally hands over the Halifax Dockyard to Canadian authorities.
- 1 January 1923 The National Defence Act, which was passed in June 1922, takes effect, creating the Department of National Defence.
- 1 January 1946 The Royal Canadian Naval Reserve and the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve together become the RCN (Reserve). From this date officers of the Regular Force and Reserve wore the same sleeve lace.
- 1 January 1991 The crew of HMCS Preserver flies to the Persian Gulf to relieve HMCS Protecteur’s crew.
- 3 January 1941 Canada and the U.S. acquire air bases at Gander, Newfoundland, and Goose Bay, Labrador, on a 99-year lease.
- 4 January 1943 HMCS Prince Henry is re-commissioned as Landing Ship Infantry (Medium).
- 4 January 1945 German U-boats torpedo steamship “Polarland” near Halifax; Canadian merchant ship “Nipiwan Park” also had her bow was blown off up almost to the bridge, but she was towed into Halifax, rebuilt, bought by Irving Oil as a tanker. As an extra note, all the Park ships were named after actual parks. But the park she was named after in Manitoba is Nipawin Park. The spelling & launching name error was not noticed until much later!
- 4 January 1781 Royal Navy press gang seizes Lunenburg farmers in Halifax and puts them on a British Man-of-War, despite a jury finding that the impressment is illegal.
- 7 January 1941 A Special Committee of the Cabinet War Committee recommends that Japanese-Canadians not be allowed to volunteer for the armed services on the grounds that there is strong public opinion against them.
- 8 January 1944 HMCS Camrose commanded by A/LCDR L. Raymond Pavillard, RCNR, and HMS Bayntun sank the German submarine U-757 in the North Atlantic.
- 9 January 1945 HMCS Ehkoli, a former RCN patrol boat, is re-commissioned in the RCN as a survey vessel.
- 11 January 1957 HMCS Magnificent arrives in Port Said with the main body of the Canadian contribution in troops and materiel to the United Nations Emergency Force controlling the Israeli-Egyptian border.
- 13 January 1943 RCN corvette HMCS Ville de Québec commanded by LCdr A.R.E. Coleman, RCNR sank the German submarine U-224 west of Oran Algeria.
- 14 January 1952 HMCS Uganda is renamed Quebec.
- 15 January 1991 The UN security Council deadline for Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait passes and the Persian Gulf War begins.
- 17 January 1957 HMCS Bonaventure is commissioned at Belfast, Northern Ireland. She is the first aircraft carrier to be owned outright by Canada and incorporates several post-war technical developments: an angled deck, mirror landing aid, and steam catapult.
- 19 January 1911 The Royal Naval College of Canada opens in Halifax.
- 19 January 1943 HMCS Port Arthur commanded by Lt Edward T. Simmons, RCNVR sank the Italian Submarine Tritone in the Mediterranean Sea.
- 21 January 1975 HMCS Assiniboine rescues eight crew members from a merchant ship foundering off Nova Scotia in a daring Sea King helicopter rescue.
- 22 January 1942 The Canadian Naval Board is established.
- 24 January 1932 HMC Ships Skeena and Vancouver land armed parties at Acajutla, El Salvador, to protect British subjects threatened in a revolution.
- 24 January 1946 HMCS Warrior, the RCN’s first aircraft carrier, is commissioned and Nos.803, 825, 826 and 883 Squadrons (already manned by Canadians) are transferred from the Royal Navy.
- 26 January 1955 Cabinet approves the entry of members of the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service as members of the RCN Regular Force.
- 29 January 1914 First public parade of Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve
- (RNCVR) in Victoria. With ex-RN instructors.
- 30 January 1991 At the Battle of Babiyan two CF-18s were diverted to attack an Iraqi fast patrol boat that had managed to escape destruction by other aircraft. After two strafing runs with the CF-18s 20 mm guns, the boat was irreparably damaged and later found to have sought safe-haven in Iran.
- 31 January 1923 The Royal Canadian Naval Reserve and Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve are established. Twenty-two years later during the second world about 100,000 officers and men were enrolled in the RCN, the RCNR, and the RCNVR, and some 6,500 women in the WRCNS. The peak strength of the entire Naval Service was reached in January 1945 with over 92,000 including Wrens.
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