naval affairs

NAC News – Edition 240

NAC News – Edition 240

Fellow Members:

Rod Hughes

Editor NAC News   (comments welcome to help improve this service)

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★   Editor’s stars of the week


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Hello Military/RCMP Veterans

It seams that yearly I am ask the following questions.  Can we claim our medical and dental expenses on our income tax report?  The short answer is yes.  You can claim:

Premiums travel insurance cost

Premiums Medical insurance cost

Premiums Dental insurance cost

Medical Prescription (drugs) receipts 20% of the cost not paid by the insurance company

Dental Receipts 20% of the cost not paid by the insurance company and may be

Annual surcharge.


You can obtain on-line from Sun Life both Medical Claim Summary and a Dental Claim Summary that shows the “Amount Not paid by your Group Plan”, i.e. Out of pocket expenses claimable on our tax returns.

Thank you, BGEN (Ret’d) Murray Rambottom for the above information.

For Nova Scotia residents enter the total on your schedule 1 Federal tax form line 330. Medical expenses for self, Spouse…read it carefully!  Provincial residents enter the total on your provincial form NS 428 line 5868

For other provinces, you need to check your Federal tax forms.  I believe that you can go back 5 years, but this would be on a special request to the income tax people.  Further information on Tax inquiries is available at 1-800-959-8281

Hope that the information can be of some assistance to you.


“Honour, Dignity, Justice, Equality!”


John Labelle
Veterans Annuity Campaign


David Soule
Executive Director
Naval Association of Canada
1138 Sauterne Pk
Orleans,  ON  K1C 2N8
Home/Business:  613-837-4026

Cell: 613-794-0977