Edition 313 HMCS Sussexvale (Prestonian Class Frigate) J313 HMCS Mulgrave (WW2 Bangor Class minesweeper)

Your weekly national and international naval news for the week of July 12, 2019
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Rod Hughes
Editor NAC News rhughes@shaw.ca(comments welcome to help improve this service)
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★ Editor’s stars of the week
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- NIOBE Paper #4Towards a Renewed Canadian Submarine Capability by Jeffrey F. Collins
- Go Fund Me for Mark Norman “Good day everyone. By now you may have seen in the news that VAdm Norman will be retiring from the Canadian Forces and has reached a settlement with the government. I will be discussing mechanisms by which the money received can be returned (or potentially donated to charity) depending on the ability of GOFUNDME to support such an approach and the wishes of the contributors. I will get back to everyone once I have more information. Standby for more updates. Lee”
- (Editor – Given the above, if you are thinking of a charity please think of the NAC Endowment Fund )
- Lt(N) Hampton (Hammy) Gray Memorial Fund – A fund for a memorial in honour of “Hammy” Gray to grace a newly designed entrance to the BC Aviation Museum in Sidney, B.C. is underway. $25,000 is needed to make the plan a reality. NAC-VI has agreed to accept donations on behalf of the project, See the complete details in “Scuttlebutt” below.
- NOABC 100thAnniversary and 2019 NAC Conference–2-6 October in Vancouver. The programme is coming together very nicely at the NOABC website.
- The Evolution of Equality and Inclusion in the Maritime Profession Symposium 2019 Thursday, 3 October 2019 Time: 8:30 to 16:30 The University of Ottawa, Desmarais Hall, Room 12102. 55 Laurier Ave E, Ottawa
- Arctic Shipping Forum North America 29 – 31 October 2019 Hotel Omni Mont-Royal
Montreal Details of Agenda
- Victoria war hero’s medals go on display at museum
- Military’s second-in-command to resign, links decision with Mark Norman case
- Tories and NDP fault Liberals for high turnover among senior military officials
- HMCS Regina completes Operation Neon commitment
- Rates of PTSD, asthma significantly higher in crew after navy sub fire: survey
- Northern exposure: As the sea ice melts, paranoia grows
- Shipyard ”Synergy”: Ralmax buying Esquimalt Drydock
- First C295 for RCAF makes maiden flight
- Feds announce funding for unique veterans’ home in Ottawa
- Vancouver shipyard used one new coast guard vessel to repair, deliver another
- Robert Allan to Design Canadian Navy Tugs
- ‘Ghost nets’: How lost and abandoned fishing gear is destroying marine wildlife
- Clear Seas study highlights limited availability of commercial tugs for emergency towing on Canada’s pacific coast
- Rising Challenges for Maritime Order
- USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: July 8, 2019
- CNO Nominee Moran Will Retire from Navy Amidst Questions From SECNAV on Judgment
- CNO Richardson Message to Flags, Senior Navy Civilians on Moran Retirement
- Trump to Nominate Vice Adm. Mike Gilday to Lead Navy
- ★ Watch: U.S. Coast Guard Crew Chases Down and Boards Drug Smuggling Submersible(Editor – watch the video, better than the Calgary Stampede!)
- USCGC Munro Returns from Patrol with Record Cocaine Haul
- Report to Congress on Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense
- Report to Congress on Columbia-class Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine Program
- Bonus Time: U.S. Marine Corps Is Offering Up to $280,000 to Certain Pilots
- Navy Declares Unmanned MQ-8C Fire Scout Helicopter Mission Capable
- Report to Congress on Coast Guard Polar Security Cutter
- ★ Strategy on top of the World, Pt. 1: the outlook for arctic competition
- 50 Sailors from USS John S. McCain Honored for Actions During 2017 Collision
- U.S. Authorities Seize MSC Gayane After Record Drug Bust
- ★ VIDEO: The New Panama Canal – How It Works(Editor – excellent 11 min video)
- Prospects for Long-Life Batteries in Waterway Transportation
- Heads of U.S. And Chinese Navies Discuss Decreasing South China Sea Risks
- HMCS Regina and Japanese Navy conduct KAEDEX 19-1 in South China Sea
- Spy Games: All eyes on Australia as Exercise Talisman Sabre launches
- Japan’s ARDB: The marine unit piquing China’s interest
- China Denies South China Sea Missile Tests
- US Navy deploys littoral combat ship USS Montgomery to Singapore
- China launches first locally-made icebreaker
- Russia offers joint submarine design to India
- Afghanistan talks agree ‘roadmap to peace’
- Minister for Defence aims to strengthen defence ties within Europe (Editor – Australia diversifying its foundation of support)
- The hangars on the Hunter class frigates are inadequate
- Scrap ships, build subs, says Hugh White
- JFD completes sea acceptance trials of submarine rescue system for Indian Navy
- NAVAL POWER 2019/ INDIAN NAVY/ भारतीयनौसेना(Editor – 5 min video)
- NAVAL POWER 2019/Republic of Korea Navy/대한민국해군(Editor – 3 min video)
- Royal Australian Navy retires last locally built Adelaide frigate
- ★ Record 24-Row Container Ship Delivered
- World’s Largest Crane Vessel to Depart on Maiden Voyage
- NATO Allies walk together – NATO’s 70th anniversary(Editor – short PR video)
- Russia buries naval crew killed in nuclear sub fire amid secrecy over their mission
- Crew of Russian Nuclear Sub Prevented ‘Planetary Catastrophe’, Official Says
- Ukraine notifies Turkey of Russian submarine activity in Bosporus – Ukrinform
- NATO ASW exercise Dynamic Mongoose underway off Norway
- Russian nuclear submarine: Norway finds big radiation leak
- Russian design bureau unveils nuclear-powered aircraft carrier project at naval show
- Russian Navy to get advanced Yasen-M and Borei-A nuclear-powered subs in 2020
- USS Ross returns from eighth forward-deployed patrol
- France presents Suffren, new nuclear attack submarine of Barracuda class
- UK MoD to develop cutting-edge laser and radio frequency weapons
- Russia’s floating nuclear power plant gathers worldwide attention as it prepares to be towed in Arctic waters
- Canada Taking Part in Exercise Sea Breeze 2019 in the Black Sea
- Carola Rackete: How a ship captain took on Italy’s Salvini
- Italy migrants: New charity ship docks despite ban
- Turkey defies US as Russian S-400 missile defence arrives(Editor – not a naval article but a major NATO point of contention)
- Turkey’s Second Drillship Set to Begin Operations off Cyprus
- EU threatens Turkey with sanctions over Cyprus drilling: draft
- First Hybrid Cruise Ship Sails at Last
- ★ Combined Task Force 150 (Editor – excellent Combat Camera 2.5 min video)
- US to enlist military allies in Gulf and Yemen waters
- Iran tanker row: UK to send second warship to the Gulf
- Commander CTF 151 visits JS Asagiri during Key Leader Engagement
- Seized Supertanker ‘Grace 1’ at Full Capacity with Crude, Gibraltar Says
- Iranian Official Calls for Seizure of British Tanker
- BP Tanker Shelters in Persian Gulf Over Fear of Iran Retaliation
- Strait of Hormuz: Iranian boats ‘tried to intercept British tanker’
- Why has Canada spent billions of dollars buying Saudi Arabian oil?(Editor – an older article but included for perspective on the oil through the Strait of Hormuz)
- Hapag-Lloyd Introduces Global Vessel Risk Surcharge for Arabian Gulf Cargo
- Piracy: West Africa, World’s Most Dangerous Seas
- Nigeria Introduces New Bill to Tackle Rampant Piracy
- Keeping up with conflict: weapons reviews and the laws of war
- A68: World’s biggest iceberg is on the move
- Record Low Newbuild Orders Placed in Q2, 2019
- NGO: 146 Ships Sent to South Asian Beaches in 2nd Quarter
- ★ High Stakes for China as WTO Fishing Subsidies Cap Looms(Editor – a true conflict generator)
- Going Dark and Faking Voyages: These are the Tricks Ships Use to Avoid Sanctions
- Battle of Midway Tactical Overview – World War II | History(Editor – 15 min useful video summary)
- Lt(N) Hampton (Hammy) Gray Memorial Fund – A place for Hammy Gray (Editor – details drawn from Starshell) A retired RCN sailor Joe Buczkowski felt strongly that we must erect a memorial to Hammy here in Victoria so that young Canadians in the future may know of Hammy Gray’s bravery and sacrifice. The memorial cairn will be black marble with etchings of Hammy and his Corsair aircraft. The memorial will be set in a landscaped area of quiet reflection at a newly designed entrance to the BC Aviation Museum in Sidney, B.C. $25,000 is needed to make the plan a reality. The Naval Association of Canada (NAC) Endowment Fund has donated $2,500. NAC-VI has agreed to accept donations on behalf of the project, and the NAC-VI Treasurer (Diana Dewar) is holding the funds donated to the Lt(N) Hampton (Hammy) Gray Memorial Fund. Should you wish to donate, a cheque should be mailed to the: Naval Association of Canada – Vancouver Island, Box 5221, Victoria BC V8R 6N4. The cheque should be made payable to the NAC-VI and write Lt Gray Memorial on the memo line. Please include a return address as tax receipt and thank you letter will be forwarded.
(Month by month building a comprehensive list of significant RCN/Maritime events – if you see any glaring omissions or errors please inform me, and any more modern significant dates are welcomed. The list currently draws from LEGION magazine, the Directory of History and Heritage’s comprehensive “Significant Dates in Canadian Military History”, and the “Canada Channel”)
- 1 July 1923 – The Royal Canadian Navy barracks in Halifax, known as HMCS Stadacona, is commissioned.
- 1 July 1934 – Commodore Percy W. Nelles becomes the first Canadian-born and Canadian-trained Chief of the Naval Staff.
- 2 July 1940 – 861 German and Italian prisoners of war are rescued by HMCS St. Laurent after their transport ship was torpedoed on its way to Canada.
- 3 July 1944 – Four Canadian motor torpedo boats sink two German merchant ships and damage other vessels in the English Channel.
- 4 July 1943 – Canadian vessels of the 29th and 65th Motor Torpedo Boat Flotillas conduct raids on the French coast near Cherbourg.
- 5 July 1950 – HMC Ships Athabaskan, Cayuga and Sioux sail from Esquimalt, British Columbia, to join the United Nations naval forces operating in Korean waters.
- 6 July 1944 – HMC Ships Ottawa and Kootenay, along with HMS Statice, sink the German submarine U-678 while on patrol in the English Channel.
- 8 July 1954 – Canada’s first icebreaking arctic patrol vessel, HMCS Labrador, is commissioned.
- 9 July 1914 – HMCS Rainbow begins preparations for the international seal patrol in the North Pacific Ocean.
- 10 July 1943 – Canadian landing craft drop soldiers of the 1st Canadian Division off on the coast of Sicily during the Allied invasion known as Operation HUSKY.
- 15 July 1950 – HMCS ATHABASKAN, CAYUGA and SIOUX of the Pacific Command depart Esquimalt for Korea.
- 15 July 1958 – The first review of the Royal Fleet ever held in Canadian waters takes place under the eyes of Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret off the coast of Vancouver Island at Royal Roads.
- 17 July 1940 – HMCS Skeena rescues the crew of a torpedoed merchant ship, the SS Manipor, in the waters north of Scotland.
- 19 July 1943 – HMCS HURON (Destroyer) is commissioned at Newcastle on the Tyne, England.
- 20 July 1944 – HMCS MATANE (frigate) is hit by a German glider bomb off Brest and badly damaged.
- 23 July 1951 – The Royal Canadian Navy (Reserve) begins recruiting women for service with the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service (the Wrens) for the first time since the Second World War.
- 24 July 1917 – The Military Service Act is passed allowing for conscription of single men.
- 24 July 1942 – HMCS St. Croix sinks the German submarine U-90 while on patrol in the North Atlantic Ocean.
- 29 July 1948 – HMCS Royal Roads is transformed into a Canadian Service College and begins training flight cadets, as well as naval cadets.
- 29 July 1972 – HMCS Iroquois, the first of the DDH 280 class destroyers, is commissioned.
- 31 July 1940 – HMCS Prince Robert, after conversion from a merchant vessel, is commissioned as an armed merchant cruiser.
- 31 July 1942 – HMCS SKEENA and WETASIWIN sink U-588 in the North Atlantic.
- 31 July 1942 – The Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service is authorized.